Texas Chainsaw Orchestra: Texas Chainsaw Orchestra

News   2024-09-28 17:16:40

In case the name isn't descriptive enough, Texas Chainsaw Orchestra uses chainsaws and other tools as musical instruments. The band is also originally from Texas. Beyond that, your imagination can pretty much take the place of actually listening to the recognizable, buzzing interpretations of the six songs included on this EP, including "I Will Always Love You," "You Oughta Know" and, of course, "Chain Gang." Once the novelty wears off, and the novelty wears off pretty quickly, Texas Chainsaw Orchestra simply becomes unwelcome noise. The group would probably be fun to watch live, and if Real People were still on the air, Texas Chainsaw Orchestra would be a shoo-in for inclusion. But unless you're a wacky morning DJ looking for fresh material to squeeze in amidst the suggestive yammering and wire-service jokes, there's no real reason to pick this up.

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