Snuff: Tweet Tweet My Lovely

News   2024-09-07 23:46:05

Early burnout is far too common in decent punk bands: Most of the good ones have two, maybe three solid albums in them before they start releasing the tired retreads, the half-hearted attempts at musical growth, and the weak stabs at retaining credibility. Thankfully, after 12 years, this model has not yet applied to the British band Snuff. On Tweet Tweet My Lovely, the group sounds like its members are all 18 and fit to burst with energy and enthusiasm. "No Reason" is as good an opening song as an album can boast, featuring an exquisite synthesis of harmony and energy that ought to capture the attention of anyone punk at heart. Tweet Tweet shoots through you faster than you would believe. Oh, and Snuff is one of the only punk bands to employ a trombonist without sounding like a bunch of second-rate third-wave ska jerkoffs.

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