The Chainsmokers to answer global pleas, launch themselves into space

News   2024-12-27 16:52:41

In a continued effort to send humanity’s worst ambassadors to the edge of space, thereby ensuring our eventual destruction by alien species that see no purpose in preserving our way of life, horrible EDM act The Chainsmokers will soon be launched into the stratosphere to leak their unique brand of sonic poison into the cosmos.

As The Associated Press explains, The Chainsmokers’ Drew Taggart and Alex Pall have announced that they’re planning “to get into a pressurized capsule tethered to a stratospheric balloon in a few years and perform some 20 miles above the Earth.” Once there, they’ll play a set within the balloon capsule, which can include up to eight passengers. The Associated Press article ominously notes that flights of the kind The Chainsmokers will board “last six to 12 hours.”

The company responsible for helping the duo claim the title of “the first musical artists to perform at the edge of space”—a title that will live with humankind forevermore—is space tourism group World View.

World View CEO Ryan Hartman booked The Chainsmokers based on the fact that he’d seen “his youngest son [belt] out lyrics from the duo’s songs” and thought his child’s questionable taste meant that getting the group onboard one of the first World View flights would “[inspire] new perspectives” that might “lead to a radically improved future for our Earth.”

Both ‘Smokers issued a statement saying that they’ve “always dreamed of going to space” and, using exactly the term you think they would use, said that they’re “stoked to collaborate with World View to have this adventure and experience.”

The pair also say that they expect the trip “to be incredible and inspiring” and believe coming so close to the face of god will allow them “to leverage this flight for creativity on future projects.” So, expect the duo to innovate in the underserved subgenre of “cosmic frathouse psychedelia” sometime after 2024.

[via Stereogum]

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