Thom Yorke releases veeerrry slooowwww version of Creep

News   2024-12-31 23:04:59

In a surprising new release, Radiohead’s Thom Yorke has decided to put out a fresh take on an old ‘90s single from a little known band called... Radiohead. “Creep (Very 2021 Rmx)“ is a reworked version of the song that first put the band on the map almost three decades ago, though it’s now slowed way, way down to—we suppose—better reflect a more lethargic kind of modern dread.

Yorke’s remix/cover listlessly moves forward over sleepily strummed acoustic guitar chords, slowed-tape vocals, and echoing effects flitting in and out like mechanical birdsong. Partway through, distorted synth blasts onto the track, somehow making the whole thing even eerier. The “Rmx” kind of sounds like what you might hear if you’re listening to Pablo Honey while dying in the rain. In other words, it’s a pretty solid track to listen to early on a weekday morning and the perfect version of a classic for anyone who’s ever listened to the original “Creep” and wished it was more than twice as long and easily ten times more ominous.

Why, exactly, Yorke decided now was the right time to release this new take on “Creep” is anyone’s guess. Maybe he’s been working on it since 1992 in the spirit of the remix, recording one note at a time for the last 29 years. Or maybe his YouTube algorithm surfaced that Social Network trailer with the extra-sad choir version of “Creep” and it made him want to try his hand at more directly working within the “slower, sadder” remix trend that his song inspired

Whatever the case, you can throw on the new Thom Yorke (feat. Radiohead!) song for yourself now to get totally amped up for the day ahead.

[via Entertainment Weekly]

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