Chris Hemsworth Says ‘Avengers’ Group Text Was ‘Wild’ After Jeremy Snow Plow Accident: ‘Any of Us Can Go at Any Minute’

  2024-06-25 19:28:45

Chris Hemsworth told GQ UK that hes been thinking about death a lot more lately as his 40s quickly approach and in the aftermath of his Avengers co-star Jeremy Renner suffering a near-fatal accident in January. Renner was hospitalized with blunt chest trauma, over 30 broken bones and more after his snow plow ran him over at the start of the year.

We were all on ourAvengerstext chain, we were all chatting. And it was wild, Hemsworth said about the immediate aftermath of Renners accident. None of us really knew how serious it was. I think anything like that, its an immediate realization of Wow, any of us can go at any minute

Hemsworth added, Were getting to the age now where were going to start losing people we love.

The Avengers group chat includes the six actors from 2012s The Avengers: Hemsworth, Renner, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo and Scarlett Johansson. Many of Renners Marvel co-stars used social media to send him prayers and messages of support after the accident, while the likes of Johansson, Evans and Ant-Man star Evangeline Lilly visited Renner at his home during his recovery.

I was honestly so fucking happy to see him. I didnt know if I was ever going to see him again, Johansson recently toldVarietyabout visiting Renner. To not only see him again but to see him thriving and in such an amazing space, mentally. Hes a very spiritual person in general and a very soulful person. And you can see that in his work. It comes through. He has such a depth to him. And I just was so happy to see that he is full of life and light, and hes also hilarious. We laughed a lot.

Once Renner returned home for his recovery, Johansson said the Avengers group text started piling on him with jokes.

On the Avengers text chain, were like, OK, you beat us all. Thats it. You won, Johansson said. Thats like real superhero stuff. Its unbelievable.

Renner has since regained most his ability to walk and attended the April world premiere of his Disney+ series Rennervations in Hollywood. As for Hemsworth, he cant shake the feeling that life is short.

I dont think I wannaturn 40, Hemsworth told GQ UK ahead of his August birthday. I still feel like Im 25 and Ive got heaps of time. Now Im like, Oh, I could be halfway. More than halfway The reality of Im not going to be here forever is sinking in.

Head over to GQ UKs website to read Hemsworths profile in its entirety.

Excellent recommendation