Kleber Mendonça Filho’s ‘Pictures of Ghosts’ Sells to the U.S., France and More as Trailer Drops (EXCLUSIVE)

  2024-06-24 09:18:51

Paris-based outfit Urban Sales has locked several deals on Pictures of Ghosts, the latest film by celebrated Brazilian director Kleber Mendona Filho (Aquarius, Bacurau) ahead of its North American premieres at Toronto and New York film festivals. The movie world premiered at Cannes in the Special Screenings section.

Weaving archive documentary, mystery, film clips and personal memories, the film has sold to the U.S. (Grasshopper Film and Gratitude Films), Portugal (Nitrato Filmes) and France (Urban Distribution and Dean Media). Pictures of Ghosts will be released simultaneously in Portugal and Brazil on Aug. 24.

Described as a multidimensional journey through time, sound, architecture and filmmaking, Pictures of Ghosts is set in the urban landscape of Recife, located in the Brazilian coastal capital of Pernambuco. Having hosted dreams and progress, these places have also embodied a major transformation on social practices.

The film was produced by Emilie Lesclaux at CinemaScpio Produes and co-produced by Silvia Cruz and Felipe Lopes Vitrine Filmes, which will release it in Brazil and Spain.

Mendona Filhos fourth feature film, Pictures of Ghosts has sold out all of its advanced screenings across 10 different cities so far in Brazil at both arthouse theaters and multiplexes. Given the strong word of mouth, the strategy is to keep showing the film leading up to the Aug. 24 release in Brazil and Portugal.

We are thrilled to have such solid and enthusiastic partners in this special adventure, the film keeps growing and sparkling attention, said Urban Sales executive Marie Lamboeuf.

Pictures of Ghosts is a beautiful documentary; poignant, melancholy and celebratory at the same time. It was the most memorable film we saw in Cannes this year, said Ryan Krivoshey, president and founder of Grasshopper Film. Were thrilled to be working with Kleber, Emilie and the entire team on the release of this extraordinary film. The film will be released in theaters across the U.S. in early 2024.

Besides Toronto and New York, the movie has been selected at further festivals across Europe this fall.

Watch the trailer below.

Excellent recommendation