Dido: Safe Trip Home

  2024-07-02 03:57:53

Lots of musicians attempt to write great songs and

fail spectacularly; better off are those who aim for merely pleasant ones and

greatly succeed. Dido has always fallen into the second category: unassuming,

low-key, and simple. Safe Trip Home, her third album in nine years, finds her at her

gentle mellowest. Dido's London-club-scene-connected background popped up

occasionally on her first two records, which had a few danceable tracks, but

that's off the agenda here: Safe Trip Home features 11 songs of wafting atmospherics,

with the contrast of late autumn—quiet, peaceful warmth of day, followed

by the tranquil, permeating chill of evening. There's nothing flashy or

unexpected, and the production is whitewashed clean, but there are still some

catchy moments: The slick "Grafton Street" (on which Brian Eno collaborates)

surrounds like a seeping mist, "Let's Do The Things We Normally Do" plunks

along to a softly orchestral, melodic chorus, and the folksy acoustic sway of

"Burnin' Love" glows with emotion. It all ends with "Northern Skies," a coolly

creeping nine-minute drift into the starry winter night. The album reveals

nuances and feels richer with repeated plays, even though there's no single

track that demands repeat listens. For songs that are just fine, they're great.

Excellent recommendation