Julie Doiron: Loneliest In The Morning

News   2025-01-06 20:55:40

Even before culty Canadian psych-folk band Eric's

Trip broke up, singer-bassist Julie Doiron had begun penning her own quiet,

stripped-bare songs and releasing them as Broken Girl. (That moniker should

give some indication of the mood.) Doiron's first disc under her own name,

1997's Loneliest In The Morning, was released on Sub Pop into a climate that

didn't seem terribly receptive to such gentleness. But it was a fantastic album

then, and it's a fantastic album now that it's been reissued by the label that

brought the world Bon Iver, whose fans might be more willing to take a chance

on a record that features little more than gentle guitar and voice. Loneliest


overwhelmingly sad, but Doiron capably translates her melancholy into beauty

rather than a pity party: "Tell You Again" and "Sweeter" are transcendently

simple and never morose. This edition adds a few extra tracks, including a

couple recorded with Doiron's fellow Canadians The Wooden Stars to provide a

taste of what she sounds like with a fuller lineup.

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