Jason Anderson: The Hopeful And The Unafraid

News   2025-03-02 19:55:48

Jason Anderson is an easy guy to make fun of, and

not just because he named his latest record The Hopeful And The Unafraid. For Anderson, there's no

song that can't be oversung, no emotion that can't be overplayed, no transcendent

rock moment that can't be realized, so long as you have enough passion to make

the muscles bulge three feet out of your neck. Here, clearly, is a man with an

overflowing reservoir of earnestness rivaling that of a Bright Eyes fan

convention. But Anderson's emo Springsteen posturing on The Hopeful And The

Unafraid actually

isn't laughable at all. It's almost always inspiring, partly because he's a

really good songwriter with an eye for conversational detail, and partly

because he's an infectious performer utterly lacking in self-awareness. If

Anderson gave only 108 percent instead of the full 110, his guileless

commitment to classic-rock-styled deliverance would be embarrassing. Instead, he

shames cynics into being a little more fearless.

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