The Black Crowes: Warpaint

News   2025-01-04 07:25:48

Since reuniting in 2005, the Black Crowes have

released one live album (two, counting last year's Chris and Rich Robinson solo

set, Brothers Of A Feather) and now one studio effort, Warpaint. It was debatable whether

the band should have returned to the studio at all, as the fire and force the

Crowes reliably exhibit onstage hasn't translated on record since the mid-'90s.

But Warpaint suggests

that the brothers Robinson simply needed time to regroup after hitting a wall

with 2001's career-worst Lions. While it doesn't reach the gold standard of the

Black Crowes' first three albums, Warpaint more than justifies the

band's continued existence nearly 20 years after it emerged as an unapologetic

anachronism specializing in British blues and Southern-fried blue-eyed soul.

Brontosaurus-in-molasses stompers like "Walk Believer Walk" and "Evergreen"

punch the band's rock card nicely. But Warpaint really distinguishes

itself on the ballads—always Chris Robinson's secret weapon—with

the gentle back-porch jams "Oh Josephine" and "Locust Street" finding the Black

Crowes settling into middle age with surprising grace.

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