Ghostland Observatory: Robotique Majestique

  2024-07-01 09:47:40

Robotique Majestique, the latest from Austin

electro-rock weirdo outfit Ghostland Observatory, is a good EP trapped inside a

mediocre album. The first half hits hard, from the epic, crescendoing

instrumental "Opening Credits" through the party-starting "Dancing On My

Grave." But as the second half kicks in, Aaron Behrens' dramatic wild-man

vocals transition from Freddie Mercury-like affectation to grating

caterwauling, and button-pusher Thomas Turner overshadows them with a

never-ending cavalcade of bleeps and bloops, which are extraordinary only in

their level of predictability.

While the first 18 minutes of Robotique doesn't entirely make up

for the tedium of its back half, it bodes well for the duo's live show, which

is where Ghostland Observatory excels anyway. "Heavy Heart" and "Freeheart

Lover" are obvious soon-to-be crowd favorites, embracing cheesy synth lines

with knowing abandon reminiscent of the smarmiest '80s hair-metal bands.

Eventually, though, the tongue digs a little too far into the cheek, replacing

that carefree party-hard mentality with stifling—and oh-so-boring—irony.

Excellent recommendation