Throw Me The Statue: Moonbeams

News   2025-01-05 16:32:45

Don't let the naked ladies on the cover fool you:

Throw Me The Statue's fizzy debut Moonbeams is as naughty as a Billy

Joel record. As a collection of instantly likeable pop songs, it's also

similarly well-crafted and catchy, packaging warm synths, tightly strummed

acoustic guitars, and chunky drum machine beats into sugary, bite-sized pieces

that melt away after a few breezy minutes. There isn't much to "Your

Girlfriend's Car" and "This Is How We Kiss" beyond surface infectiousness, but

as a record constructed to be enjoyed in the moment, Moonbeams captivates like a late

summer crush. Once the moment ends, though, what's left are enjoyable but

slight songs with hooks that don't quite hold.

Excellent News recommendation
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