Ida: Lovers Prayers

News   2025-01-04 07:17:10

Solid craftsmanship might sound like an attribute

better suited to an SUV than an indie-rock disc, but glitz and gimmicks can

only get you so far—and no band is better built for the long haul than

Ida. Co-leaders (and couple) Daniel Littleton and Elizabeth Mitchell have

chugged along in folk-pop humility since 1994's magnificent Tales Of Brave

Ida; nine

albums later, Lovers Prayers finds the duo still set in its ways, but having no

trouble refreshing its formula. Propelled by fluidity and warmth, Lovers' 16 songs unfold and

flutter delicately while holding swells of distortion and odd time signatures

just at arm's length. Once bracketed neatly by the stark harmonies of Low and

the dynamic anthems of Seam, Ida has become a gentle force unto

itself—and Lovers Prayers hums with dependable, perpetual grace.

Excellent News recommendation
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