Hey Willpower: P.D.A.

News   2025-01-04 07:22:03

When the California indie-pop band Imperial Teen

titled its 2007 album The Hair, The TV, The Baby, And The Band after its members' day

jobs, Hey Willpower was "The Band" in question. A collaboration between Teen's

Will Schwartz and Tomo Yasuda of Tussle, Hey Willpower leaves behind the

Imperials' guitar-bass-drums formalism in favor of laptops, synths, and drum

machines with a playfully sexy bent. (Live, the duo utilizes male backing

dancers, and a cursory listen to P.D.A. makes that sight easy to envision.) But Schwartz's

insinuating songwriting and appealingly mewling voice remain intact amid the

grooves, which split the difference between low-tech, low-affect variations on

modern R&B; and early-'80s synth-pop. And while parts of P.D.A. are definitely

tongue-in-cheek—see titles like that of the new-wavy "Hundredaire" and

the breathless "Double Fantasy II"—Schwartz and Yasuda aren't just

goofing: They end with a yearning, affectionate cover of Architecture In

Helsinki's "Heart It Races," and achieve much the same effect turning the tempo

down on their own "Not Trippin'."

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