Connie Evingson Lyrics
From Me to You lyrics
If there's anything that you want If there's anything I can do Just call on me, I'll send it along With love, from me to you I've got everything that ...
I'll Follow the Sun lyrics
One day you'll look To see I've gone For tomorrow may rain, so I'll follow the sun Some day you'll know I was the one But tomorrow may rain, so I'll f...
When I'm 64 [Tango Version] lyrics
When I get older, losing my hair Many years from now Will you still be sending me a valentine Birthday greetings, bottle of wine? If I'd been out till...
When I'm 64 [Tango Version] [German translation]
Wenn ich älter werde, mir die Haare ausgehen, aber erst in vielen Jahren, wirst du an Valentinstag noch an mich denken, mir Geburtstagsgrüße schicken,...
Love Me or Leave Me
This suspense is killing me I can’t stand uncertainty Tell me now, I’ve got to know Whether you want me to stay or go Love me or leave me and let me b...
Jersey Bounce
They call it the Jersey bounce A rhythm that really counts The temperature always mounts Whenever they play, the funny rhythm they play It started on ...
Black Orpheus
I'll sing to the sun in the sky I'll sing till the sun rises high Carnival time is here Magical time of year And as the time draws near Dreams lift my...
Dream a Little Dream of Me lyrics
Stars shining bright above you Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you" Birds singing in the sycamore tree: "Dream a little dream of me!" Say "night...
Dream a Little Dream of Me [German translation]
Sterne scheinen hell über dir, ein Nachtlüftchen scheint dir zuzuflüstern "Ich liebe dich", Vögel singen in der Platane "Träume einen kleinen Traum vo...
Dream a Little Dream of Me [Romanian translation]
De-a stelelor puternică lumin-ai a te găsi-nvăluit Pe-ale nopții adieri am eu iubirea-mi a-ți șopti Păsărelele-n auz au a ne șopti din cel platan: Ală...
Nature Boy lyrics
There was a boy... A very strange enchanted boy. They say he wandered very far, very far Over land and sea, A little shy and sad of eye But very wise ...
World Without Love lyrics
Please lock me away And don't allow the day Here inside, where I hide With my loneliness I don't care what they say I won't stay in a world without lo...
Connie Evingson
United States
Jazz, Pop
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
Help Me to Help Myself lyrics
No Exit lyrics
Лаванда [Lavanda] [Turkish translation]
Debaixo Dos Caracóis Dos Seus Cabelos lyrics
Лебединая верность [Lebedinaya vernost'] [English translation]
Лаванда [Lavanda] [Kazakh translation]
Лаванда [Lavanda] [Transliteration]
Лаванда [Lavanda] [Latvian translation]
Лаванда [Lavanda] [Croatian translation]
Лаванда [Lavanda] [Portuguese translation]
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Край [Kray] [English translation]
Лаванда [Lavanda] [Lithuanian translation]
'O surdato 'nnammurato
Колиска вітру [Koliska vitru] [Russian translation]
Лаванда [Lavanda] [English translation]
Край [Kray] lyrics
Легкий школьный вальс [Legkiy shkol'niy val's] [English translation]
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Лаванда [Lavanda] [Czech translation]
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Es waren zwei Königskinder lyrics
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Месяц июль [Mesyats iyul'] lyrics