Audrey Landers Lyrics
Morgen, Kinder, wird's was geben
Morgen, Kinder, wird’s was geben Morgen werden wir uns freu’n! Welch ein Jubel, welch ein Leben Wird in unserm Hause sein! Einmal werden wir noch wach...
Audrey Landers - Some Broken Hearts Never Mend
Coffee black, cigarette We start this day like all the rest First thing every mornin' that I do: Start missin' you Some broken hearts never mend Some ...
Give Me Back My Heart lyrics
Keep every memory Right from the start, Keep all you want to keep, But give me back my heart. Keep all my kisses Though we're apart, Keep all we learn...
Give Me Back My Heart [Italian translation]
Keep every memory Right from the start, Keep all you want to keep, But give me back my heart. Keep all my kisses Though we're apart, Keep all we learn...
Give Me Back My Heart [Romanian translation]
Keep every memory Right from the start, Keep all you want to keep, But give me back my heart. Keep all my kisses Though we're apart, Keep all we learn...
Honeymoon in Trinidad lyrics
Aaah aaah... I dream that my lover Takes me one day To my perfect island, We'll fly away. We'll dance in the moonlight, Love on the sand, Play all day...
Honeymoon in Trinidad [Romanian translation]
Aaah aaah... Visez că iubitul meu Mă va duce într-o zi Spre insula mea perfectă, Vom zbura. Vom dansa sub clar de lună, Ne vom iubi pe nisip, Ne vom j...
Little River lyrics
Sunny afternoon on a riverside Children playing games of seek-and-hide They throw the colored ball and they hide away But the devil stopped their harm...
Little River [Romanian translation]
Într-o după-amiază însorită, pe malul unui râu, Copiii se joacă de-a v-aţi ascunselea, Ei aruncă mingea colorată şi se ascund. Dar diavolul a oprit jo...
Manuel Goodbye lyrics
Waiting, I'm always waiting For a smile from you, a sign that you still care Breaking, my heart is breaking When you look at me It seems as if you're ...
Manuel Goodbye [Czech translation]
Čekám, pořád čekám na úsměv tvůj, na znamení, že ti na mě stále záleží. Jihne, moje srdce jihne, když podíváš se na mě, zdá se, jako bys tam ani nebyl...
Manuel Goodbye [French translation]
Je suis en attente, je suis toujours en attente Pour un de tes sourires, un signe de que tu m'aimes encore Il se brise, mon cœur se brise... Lorsque t...
Manuel Goodbye [Italian translation]
Sto aspettando, sto sempre aspettando Per un tuo sorriso, un segno che ci tieni ancora. Si sta spezzando, il mio cuore si sta spezzando, Quando mi gua...
Manuel Goodbye [Romanian translation]
Aştept, mereu aştept Un zâmbet de-al tău, un semn că încă-ţi pasă. Sfărâmată, inima mi-e sfărâmată. Când mă priveşti Pari a fi în altă parte. Ascuns, ...
Playa Blanca lyrics
There is a place that I dream of, With beautiful white sand, Sitting in a silver bay. I see the shimmering water, The shade from the palm trees, I cou...
Playa Blanca [Romanian translation]
Există un loc la care visez, Cu un frumos nisip alb, Aşezat într-un golf argintiu. Văd apa sclipitoare, Umbra făcută de palmieri. Aş putea sta şi visa...
Summernight in Rome lyrics
It seems like only just yesterday That you were holding my hand A fairy tale It seems like only just yesterday That we left the world behind And dance...
Yellow Rose of Texas lyrics
He was just a rhinestone cowboy, riding into town Talking 'bout the many years he travelled all around But he had the bluest eyes I think that I had e...
Audrey Landers
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Excellent Songs recommendation
Pamuk [French translation]
Ona spava [English translation]
Κελί μου κατασκότεινο [Keli mou kataskotino] lyrics
Ono malo sreće lyrics
Ona spava [Russian translation]
Δε θέλω την συμπόνια κανενός [De thélo tin sympónia kanenós] lyrics
Pisaću joj pisma duga [Bosnian translation]
Pamuk lyrics
Opušteno skroz [Russian translation]
Pamuk [Macedonian translation]
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Pamuk [German translation]
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Ono malo sreće [Russian translation]
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