Aled Jones Also Performed Pyrics
Nel blu dipinto di blu [Volare] lyrics
Penso che un sogno così non ritorni mai più, mi dipingevo le mani e la faccia di blu. Poi d'improvviso venivo dal vento rapito e incominciavo a volare...
Nel blu dipinto di blu [Volare] [Albanian translation]
Them se një ëndërr e tillë nuk vjen më kurrë, Ngjyrosja duart dhe fytyrën me blu. Pastaj papritur rrëmbehesha nga era dhe filloja të fluturoja në qiel...
Nel blu dipinto di blu [Volare] [Bengali translation]
কোনো দিন যে আমি এই স্বপ্ন দেখিনি সারা গায়ে মুখে নিজে নীল রং মেখেছি হঠাৎ একটি ঝড় আমাকে উড়িয়ে নিয়ে গেলো সেই থেকে উড়ছি যে আকাশে যা নীল আর অনন্ত উড়ছি রে, ...
Nel blu dipinto di blu [Volare] [Bosnian translation]
Mislim da san, kao što je taj Nikada se vratiti neće Obojio sam svoje ruke I lice u plavo Onda odjednom sam bio Otet od vjetra I počeo sam da letim U ...
Nel blu dipinto di blu [Volare] [Bulgarian translation]
Mislia, che takav san , niama da se varne nikoga poveche, boiadisah si razete i lizeto v sinio, posle izvednag doide braz viatar i zapochnah da letia ...
Nel blu dipinto di blu [Volare] [Chinese translation]
Wǒ xiǎng zhèyàng de mèngjìng jiāng yǒng bù chóng xiàn Wǒ bǎ zìjǐ de shuāng shǒu hé liǎn túchéng lán sè Mò rán jiān yī zhèn fēng dài wǒ shuāng jiǎo tén...
Nel blu dipinto di blu [Volare] [Croatian translation]
Mislim da se takvi snovi Ne vraćaju nikad više, Obojao sam si ruke I lice u plavo, Onda sam odjednom bio Otet od vjetra, I počeo sam letjeti Po beskra...
Nel blu dipinto di blu [Volare] [English translation]
I think that a dream like this won't come back anymore, I was painting my hands and my face blue. Then, suddenly, I was being enraptured by the wind a...
Nel blu dipinto di blu [Volare] [English translation]
Never a good dream like this one will come back anew fully I painted my face and my hands both in blue all of a sudden the wind came and snatched me a...
Nel blu dipinto di blu [Volare] [English translation]
I think, such a dream Will never return. I painted hands and face in the blue And then suddenly the wind kidnapped me And I began to fly in an infinit...
Nel blu dipinto di blu [Volare] [English translation]
I think that dream like that Will never return I painted my hands And face blu Then all of sudden I was Abducted by the wind And I started to fly In t...
Nel blu dipinto di blu [Volare] [French translation]
Je pense qu'un tel songe ne reviendra jamais plus, il me peignait les mains et la face de bleu, et puis soudain j'étais enlevé par le vent, et je comm...
Nel blu dipinto di blu [Volare] [German translation]
Ich denke, dass ein solcher Traum Niemals mehr wiederkehrt. Ich malte mir die Hände Und das Gesicht blau, Dann nahm der Wind Mich plötzlich mit, Und i...
Nel blu dipinto di blu [Volare] [Greek translation]
Σκέφτομαι πως ονειρεύομαι έτσι Δεν θα γυρίσεις πια, Έβαψα τα χέρια Και το πρόσωπό μου μπλέ, Μετά ξαφνικά με άρπαξε Ο άνεμος, Κι άρχισα να πετάω Στον α...
Nel blu dipinto di blu [Volare] [Hebrew translation]
אני חושב שחלום כזה לעולם לא יחזור יותר, צבעתי את הידיים ואת הפנים בכחול, ואז, בפתאומיות, נחטפתי על ידי הרוח, והתחלתי לעוף בשמיים האינסופיים. לעוף הו, ...
A Rose Among Thorns [Gabriel's Oboe] lyrics
From a simple prayer That began as a whisper in a quiet place, A dream can inspire the world... A voice echo far away! The wind can take our thoughts ...
A Rose Among Thorns [Gabriel's Oboe] [French translation]
D'une simple prière qui a commencé comme un murmure dans un endroit tranquille, Un rêve peut inspirer le monde... Une voix résonne au loin ! Le vent p...
A Rose Among Thorns [Gabriel's Oboe] [Greek translation]
Με μια απλή προσευχή Που αρχίζει σαν ένας ψίθυρος σε ένα ήσυχο μέρος, ένα όνειρο που εμπνέει τον κόσμο... Μια φωνή ηχεί από μακριά! Ο άνεμος μπορεί να...
A Rose Among Thorns [Gabriel's Oboe] [Romanian translation]
De la o simplă rugăciune Care a început ca o şoaptă într-un loc tăcut, Un vis poate să inspire lumea… O voce ecou din depărtare! Vântul ne poate lua g...
A Rose Among Thorns [Gabriel's Oboe] [Spanish translation]
Con una simple oración Que comenzó como un murmullo en un lugar silencioso, Un sueño puede inspirar el mundo… Una voz da eco de lejos! El viento puede...
Aled Jones
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Christian Rock, Classical, Pop, Religious
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