Nashville (OST) Lyrics
If I Didn't Know Better
If I didn’t know better, I’d hang my hat right there If I didn’t know better, I’d follow you up the stairs Stop saying those sweet things You know I’d...
If I Didn't Know Better [Italian translation]
Se non ti conoscessi bene, poggerei il mio cappello là sopra. Se non ti conoscessi bene, ti seguirei su per le scale. Smettila di dire quelle cose dol...
A Life That's Good lyrics
Sittin' here tonight By the fire light It reminds me I already have More than I should I don't need fame No one to know my name At the end of the day ...
A Life That's Good [Italian translation]
Sedermi qui stasera accanto al fuoco, mi ricorda che ho già avuto più di quanto avrei dovuto. Non mi serve la fama, non mi serve che la gente sappia i...
Beautiful Dream lyrics
Off to sleep I'm going to meet you in the night When you're around I'm all filled up and bright I don't know much about you But I know you're in my he...
Beautiful Dream [Italian translation]
Sto andando a dormire per incontrarti nella notte, quando sei vicino mi sento fiera e splendente. Non so molto su di te, ma so che sei nel mio cuore, ...
Believing lyrics
I don't remember how I got here When my rose coloured glasses disappeared Sometimes my fingers, they can lose touch Start letting go of everything I l...
Black Roses lyrics
I can see your eyes staring into mine. But it's a battlefield and you're on the other side. You can throw your words sharper than a knife. And leave m...
Black Roses [German translation]
Ich kann deine Augen in meine starren sehen. Doch es ist ein Schlachtfeld und du bist auf der anderen Seite. Du kannst deine Worte schärfer werfen als...
Black Roses [Greek translation]
Μπορώ να δω τα μάτια σου να κοιτάνε επίμονα τα δικά μου Αλλά είναι ένα πεδίο μάχης και εσύ είσαι στην άλλη πλευρά Μπορείς να "πετάξεις" τα λόγια σου π...
Black Roses [Italian translation]
Posso vedere i tuoi occhi che fissano i miei, ma è un campo di battaglia, e tu sei dall'altra parte, puoi lanciare parole più affilate di un coltello,...
Black Roses [Italian translation]
Riesco a vedere i tuoi occhi che fissano i miei Ma è un campo di battaglia e tu stai dalla parte del nemico. Sai scagliare parole più affilate di un c...
Black Roses [Russian translation]
Я вижу твой пристальный взгляд Это война*, и ты по ту сторону баррикад Твои слова словно острые кинжалы Ты равнодушно наблюдаешь, как я сгораю Я разда...
Borrow My Heart lyrics
Won't you borrow my heart? Take it, love, as long as you need Won't you borrow my heart? And don't you ever give it back to me Don't you ever give it ...
Consider Me lyrics
When all the bright lights have shut down And they have closed every door in town I'll be around When there is nobody left to call And you're surround...
Consider Me [Russian translation]
Когда все яркие огни затухают, И закрывается в город каждая дверь, Я буду рядом. Когда здесь никого нет, чтобы позвонить, И ты окружен среди этих стен...
Consider Me [Turkish translation]
Bütün ışıklar söndüğünde Ve şehirdeki tüm kapılar kapandığında Ben etrafta olacağım Kimse aramadığı zaman Ve sen bu duvarlarla çevrilisin Ben onları y...
Don't Put Dirt On My Grave Just Yet lyrics
I thought things couldn't get much worse But guess what, they did You hit my heart upside with a wrecking ball Oh, but that's what I get But I'm not g...
Don't Put Dirt On My Grave Just Yet [Russian translation]
Я думала хуже некуда, Но угадай что -- есть. Ты ударил мое сердце ядром бульдозера, Ох, но вот что я получила. Но я не иду в никуда Я могу жить на мои...
Dreams lyrics
It'll take you far Fast and hard Keep you longer than you thought you'd stay Grab your soul Won't let go And be with you when you're wide awake Dreams...
Nashville (OST)
United States
Country music, Soundtrack
Excellent Songs recommendation
My Heart Will Go On [Hebrew translation]
My Heart Will Go On [Japanese translation]
My Heart Will Go On [Azerbaijani translation]
My Heart Will Go On [German translation]
My Heart Will Go On [Czech translation]
My Heart Will Go On [Chinese translation]
My Heart Will Go On [Croatian translation]
My Heart Will Go On [Hindi translation]
My Heart Will Go On [French translation]
My Heart Will Go On [Croatian translation]
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My Heart Will Go On [German translation]
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My Heart Will Go On [Hungarian translation]
My Heart Will Go On [Croatian translation]
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My Heart Will Go On [Chinese translation]
My Heart Will Go On [Bulgarian translation]
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Streets lyrics
Два билета в лето [Dva bileta v leto] [English translation]
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Мне ни к чему гадания [Mne ni k chemu gadaniya] lyrics
Танцювала риба з раком [Tantsyuvala ryba z rakom] [Russian translation]