Michael Bolton Featuring Lyrics
The Prayer lyrics
I pray you'll be our eyes And watch us where we go And help us to be wise In times when we don't know Let this be our prayer As we go our way Lead us ...
The Prayer [French translation]
I pray you'll be our eyes And watch us where we go And help us to be wise In times when we don't know Let this be our prayer As we go our way Lead us ...
The Prayer [Hungarian translation]
I pray you'll be our eyes And watch us where we go And help us to be wise In times when we don't know Let this be our prayer As we go our way Lead us ...
The Prayer [Japanese translation]
I pray you'll be our eyes And watch us where we go And help us to be wise In times when we don't know Let this be our prayer As we go our way Lead us ...
Pavarotti & Friends - Nessun Dorma
Nessun dorma! Nessun dorma! Tu pure, o Principessa, nella tua fredda stanza, guardi le stelle che tremano d'amore, e di speranza! Ma il mio mistero è ...
Ain't No Mountain High Enough lyrics
Michael Bolton: Listen, baby Ain't no mountain high Ain't no valley low Ain't no river wide enough, baby Helene: If you need me, call me No matter whe...
Ain't No Mountain High Enough [German translation]
Michael Bolton: Listen, baby Ain't no mountain high Ain't no valley low Ain't no river wide enough, baby Helene: If you need me, call me No matter whe...
Ain't No Mountain High Enough [Romanian translation]
Michael Bolton: Listen, baby Ain't no mountain high Ain't no valley low Ain't no river wide enough, baby Helene: If you need me, call me No matter whe...
Fool for Love [Requiem pour un fou] lyrics
[Johnny:] I'm coming out with my angel, Put down your guns and I'll...confess. I loved her more than life itself, My angel in a pale blue dress. But i...
Fool for Love [Requiem pour un fou] [Spanish translation]
[Johnny:] I'm coming out with my angel, Put down your guns and I'll...confess. I loved her more than life itself, My angel in a pale blue dress. But i...
Jack Sparrow lyrics
[secretary:] guys, michael bolton is here oh great, send him in. [MB:] hey guys. hey, hi, thanks for coming [MB:] sorry i’m late, i got caught up watc...
Jack Sparrow [German translation]
[Sekretär:] Jungs, Michael Bolton ist da. [TLI:] Super, schick' ihn herein. [MB:] Hey Jungs. [TLI:] Hallo, hi, danke, dass du gekommen bist. [MB:] Ent...
Jack Sparrow [Italian translation]
[segretaria:] ragazzi, Michael Bolton è qui oh grande, fallo entrare [MB:] hey ragazzi hey, ciao, grazie per essere venuto [MB:] scusate, sono in rita...
Jack Sparrow [Norwegian translation]
[Sekretær: Folkens, Michael Bolton er her!] Flott, send ham inn. [MB:] Hei folkens! Hei, takk for at du kom [MB:] Beklager at jeg er sen, jeg fikk ikk...
Same heart lyrics
Hey, oh It's been a long long time I was finally lettin' go I can't believe how it hurts just to see you smile So I've been on your mind Had to come b...
Same heart [German translation]
Hey, oh, Es ist eine ganze Weile her. Ich war endlich dabei loszulassen. Ich kann nicht glauben, wie es schmerzt, dich nur lächeln zu sehen. Ich war a...
Michael Bolton
United States
English, Spanish
Blues, Pop, Pop-Rock, Rock
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
Шум [Shum] [Czech translation]
Шум [Shum] [Azerbaijani translation]
Take You High lyrics
Sir Duke lyrics
Шум [Shum] [English translation]
Сонце [Sontse] lyrics
Соловей [Solovei] [Turkish translation]
Шум [Shum] [Bulgarian translation]
Сонце [Sontse] [Turkish translation]
Шум [Shum] lyrics
Popular Songs
Шум [Shum] [French translation]
Kanye West - Amazing
Amantes de ocasión lyrics
Κελί μου κατασκότεινο [Keli mou kataskotino] lyrics
ЯТЛ [YATL] lyrics
Сонце [Sontse] [Romanian translation]
Сонце [Sontse] [Polish translation]
Церковка [Tserkovka] [English translation]
Сонце [Sontse] [Transliteration]
Шум [Shum] [Croatian translation]
Music Across the Water
Bettye LaVette
Deniz Kızı Eftalya
Arthdal Chronicles (OST)
Reflection of You (OST)
Please Come Back, Mister (OST)
Tom Ferry
L'ultimo giorno del circo [Catalan translation]
La pulce d'acqua lyrics
La ragazza e l'eremita [Polish translation]
L'ombra lyrics
Сударушка [Sudarushka] lyrics
La raccolta [Spanish translation]
Garça perdida lyrics
La parola ai mimi lyrics
La ballata del tempo e dello spazio lyrics
Ой гарна я гарна [Oy harna ya harna] lyrics