NF Lyrics
NF - Alone
[Intro: NF] Yo, to be honest, I feel completely alone Like nobody knows me Nobody understands me You know what I'm sayin'? Yo, it's kinda like this Ch...
Alone [Bosnian translation]
[Intro: NF] Yo, da budem iskren, osjećam se tako sam Kao da me nitko ne zna Nitko me ne razumije Znaš li šta govorim ? Yo, nekako je ovako Provjeri [S...
Alone [Bulgarian translation]
Ако трябва да съм честен, чувствам се напълно сам Сякаш никой не ме познава Никой не ме разбира Нали знаш какво какво имам предвид? Така е някакси Виж...
Alone [Greek translation]
[Εισαγωγή: NF] Γιο, για να είμαι ειλικρινής, νιώθω εντελώς μόνος Λες και κανένας δε με ξέρει Κανένας δε με καταλαβαίνει Ξέρετε τι λέω; Γιο, είναι κάπω...
Alone [Hungarian translation]
[Intro: NF] Yo, hogy őszinte legyek, teljesen egyedül érzem magam Senki nem ismer engem Senki nem ért meg Érted amit mondok? Yo, ez teljesen olyan Fig...
Alone [Romanian translation]
Intro: NF Yo, să fiu sincer, mă simt complet singur De parcă nimeni nu mă cunoaște Nimeni nu mă înțelege Înțelegi ce spun? Yo, e ceva de genul ăsta As...
Alone [Serbian translation]
[Intro: NF] Jo, da budem iskren, osećam se u potpunosti sam Kao da me niko ne poznaje Niko me ne razume Znaš o čemu pričam? Jo, ide nekako ovako Poslu...
Alone [Turkish translation]
[Intro: NF] Yo, doğruyu söylemek gerekirse, tamamen yalnız hissediyorum Кimse beni bilmiyormuş gibi Kimse beni anlamıyormuş gibi Аnlıyor musun? Yo, bu...
Beautiful lyrics
[Chorus] There she goes She's so beautiful, she's so beautiful, yeah But she's so broke She's so incredible, wonder if she'll ever know, yeah, oh [Ver...
Beautiful [Croatian translation]
[Chorus] There she goes She's so beautiful, she's so beautiful, yeah But she's so broke She's so incredible, wonder if she'll ever know, yeah, oh [Ver...
Beautiful [Greek translation]
[Chorus] There she goes She's so beautiful, she's so beautiful, yeah But she's so broke She's so incredible, wonder if she'll ever know, yeah, oh [Ver...
Beautiful [Spanish translation]
[Chorus] There she goes She's so beautiful, she's so beautiful, yeah But she's so broke She's so incredible, wonder if she'll ever know, yeah, oh [Ver...
Beautiful [Turkish translation]
[Chorus] There she goes She's so beautiful, she's so beautiful, yeah But she's so broke She's so incredible, wonder if she'll ever know, yeah, oh [Ver...
Beautiful Addiction lyrics
Born in a storm It started in a dream And God made me realize Life ain't what it seems Selfishly inspired A heart exposed Hit me with a passion That b...
Beautiful Addiction [Croatian translation]
Rođen u oluji Započelo je u snu I Bog mi je omogučio da vidim Život nije ono što se čini Sebično inspirisan Srce izloženo Udaren sam strašću Što me je...
Beautiful Addiction [Turkish translation]
Fırtınada doğdu Bir rüyada başladı Tanrı fark etmemi sağladı Hayat göründüğü gibi değil Bencilce ilham verdi Maruz kalan bir kalbe Bana bir tutku ile ...
Breathe lyrics
Breathe Breathe I grew up in a small place, had to drive an hour just to see a movie I'm a simple person, city life just doesn't move me I'd rather be...
Breathe [Bulgarian translation]
Дишай Дишай Израснах в малко място Трябваше да карам час само за да гледам филм Аз съм семпъл човек, градският живот просто не ме вълнува Бих предпоче...
Breathe [Croatian translation]
Diši Diši Odrastao sam u malom mjestu, morao sam voziti sat vremena samo da vidim film Jednostavna sam osoba, gradski život me jednostavno ne privlači...
Breathe [Hungarian translation]
Lélegezz Lélegezz Egy kis helyen nőttem fel, egy órát kellett utaznom, azért, hogy lássak egy filmet Egyszerű ember vagyok, a városi élet nem érintett...
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