NF Lyrics
Face It [French translation]
Ouais, je ne dors pas récemment Je ne dors pas récemment Oui, je sais que je suis la seule personne qui peut me changer Peut-être, c'est pourquoi je n...
Face It [Greek translation]
Ναι, δεν κοιμάμαι τελευταία Δεν κοιμάμαι τελευταία Ναι ξέρω ότι είμαι ο μοναδικός που μπορεί να με αλλάξει Ίσως, αυτός είναι ο λόγος που δεν αλλάζω Αυ...
Face It [Romanian translation]
Mda, recent nu prea mai dorm Recent nu prea mai dorm Da, știu că sunt singurul care mă poate schimba Poate că de asta nu mă schimb De asta nu mă schim...
Face It [Turkish translation]
Evet, son zamanlarda uyumuyorum Son zamanlarda uyumuyorum Evet, beni değiştirebilecek tek kişi olduğumu biliyorum Belki de bu yüzden değişmiyorum Bu y...
Goodbye lyrics
Baby, I guess I don't understand How did we let this slip through our hands We were so in love and then we... Lost it all, and now it's over... Now it...
Goodbye [Bosnian translation]
Dušo, pretpostavljam da ne razumijem Kako smo dopustili da ovo isklizne iz naših ruku Bili smo zaljubljeni i onda smo... Izgubili sve ovo, i sada je k...
Goodbye [Greek translation]
Μωρό μου, μάλλον δεν καταλαβαίνω Πως το αφήσαμε να γλιστρήσει μέσα από τα χέρια μας Ήμασταν τόσο ερωτευμένοι και μετά... Τα χάσαμε όλα, και τώρα τελεί...
Goodbye [Hungarian translation]
Baby, azt hiszem, nem értem Hogyan hagytuk, hogy ez átcsússzon a kezünkön Úgy szerettük egymást, és akkor ... Elvesztettünk mindent, és most már vége ...
Goodbye [Turkish translation]
Bebeğim, sanırım anlamıyorum Bunun ellerimizden kaymasına nasıl izin verdik? Çok aşıktık ve sonra biz... Hepsini kaybettik ve şimdi bitti... Şimdi bit...
Got You On My Mind lyrics
Started with phone conversations and I Flew out to see you, it's raining outside We sat by the water and talked about life Oh Said you lost your dad, ...
Got You On My Mind [Croatian translation]
Počeli smo sa razgovorom na mobitelu i ja Izletio sam napolje, padala je kiša Sjedili smo kraj vode i razgovarali o životu Oh Kažeš da si izgubila oca...
Got You On My Mind [Dutch translation]
Begon met telefoongesprekken, en ik Vloog naar jou toe, het regent buiten We zaten bij het water en praatten over het leven Oh Je zei dat je pa overle...
Got You On My Mind [Greek translation]
Ξεκίνησε με συνομιλίες τηλεφώνου και εγώ Πέταξα έξω για να σε δω, βρέχει έξω Καθίσαμε δίπλα στο νερό και μιλήσαμε για τη ζωή Ωω Είπες ότι έχασες το μπ...
Got You On My Mind [Romanian translation]
A început cu conversaţia la telefon şi eu Am zburat afară să te văd, plouă afară Stăm lângă apă şi vorbim despre viaţă O, Ai spus că ţi-ai pierdut tat...
Got You On My Mind [Spanish translation]
Todo comenzó con conversaciones telefónicasy yo Volé a verte, y comenzó a llover Nos sentamos junto al agua y hablamos sobre la vida Oh Dijiste que pe...
Got You On My Mind [Turkish translation]
Telefon konuşmalarıyla başladı ve ben Seni görmek için dışarılara uçtum, yağmur yağarken Su kenarında oturduk ve hayat hakkında konuştuk Oh Babanı kay...
Green lights lyrics
Yeah (haha) My name buzzin', ain't no way you could ignore it I did not come this far so they could ignore me I am not the one to say, "I'll do it in ...
Green lights [Bosnian translation]
Yeah Moje ime bruji, nema šanse da bi ga mogao ignorisati Nisam došao dovdje da bi me mogli ignorisati Nisam tip osobe koji bi rekao "Uraditi ću ujutr...
Grindin' lyrics
Oh yeah, oh yeah Just let me work, just let me work Out here grindin' Yeah, I'm out here grindin' I told 'em, I'm out here grindin' I'm out here grind...
Hands Up lyrics
[Intro:] A few words to define my music? I'd say it's pretty laid back [Hook:] Let me see those hands up! [x4] Hands up! [Verse 1:] Yeah I'm like Ali ...
United States
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