Buzzcocks Lyrics
Buzzcocks - Ever Fallen in Love [With Someone You Shouldn't've]
You stir my natural emotions You make me feel I'm dirt and I'm hurt And if I start a commotion I run the risk of losing you and that's worse Ever fall...
Ever Fallen in Love [With Someone You Shouldn't've] [French translation]
Tu stimules mes émotions naturelles Tu me donne l'impression d'être une saleté Et je souffre Et si je commence un remue-ménage Je cours le risque de t...
Ever Fallen in Love [With Someone You Shouldn't've] [German translation]
Du wühlst meine natürlichen Empfindungen auf Du machst, dass ich mich wie Dreck fühle und verletzt bin und wenn ich einen Aufruhr starte, dann riskier...
Ever Fallen in Love [With Someone You Shouldn't've] [Greek translation]
Ξυπνάς τα φυσικά μου συναισθήματα Με κάνεις να νιώθω σαν σκουπίδι και πληγώνομαι Και αν κάνω φασαρία Κινδυνεύω να σε χάσω κι αυτό είναι χειρότερο Έχει...
Ever Fallen in Love [With Someone You Shouldn't've] [Japanese translation]
君は僕の自然な気持ちをかきまわす 君は僕をごみみたいに感じさせる、僕は傷ついて もし動揺し始めでもすれば 僕は君を失う危険があるんだ、そっちのほうが悪い 誰かと恋に落ちたことあるか? 今まで一度でも? 誰かを好きになって 恋に落ちたこと 恋に落ちちゃいけない相手を好きになったことあるか? 未来は良く...
Ever Fallen in Love [With Someone You Shouldn't've] [Polish translation]
Wprowadzasz zamieszanie do moich naturalnych uczuć Sprawiasz, że czuję się jak śmieć, i to mnie boli Ale gdybym zaczął się temu sprzeciwiać Ryzykowałb...
Ever Fallen in Love [With Someone You Shouldn't've] [Portuguese translation]
Você mexe com as minhas emoções naturais Você me faz sentir como sujeira e eu estou ofendido E se eu começo uma comoção Eu corro o risco de perder voc...
Ever Fallen in Love [With Someone You Shouldn't've] [Russian translation]
Ты тревожишь мои настоящие чувства, Я чувствую себя нечистым из-за тебя и мне больно. Но если я начну волноваться, Я рискую потерять тебя, а это хуже....
Ever Fallen in Love [With Someone You Shouldn't've] [Serbian translation]
Ti si pomešala moje prirodne emocije Činiš da se osećam prljavo i povredjeno A ako započnem komešanje Izlažem se riziku da te izgubim i to je još gore...
Ever Fallen in Love [With Someone You Shouldn't've] [Spanish translation]
Sacudes mis emociones naturales Me haces sentir como basura y me duele Y si empiezo una conmoción Corro el riesgo de perderte y eso es peor ¿Alguna ve...
Ever Fallen in Love [With Someone You Shouldn't've] [Turkish translation]
Elimde olmayan hislerimi karmakarışık ediyorsun Kendimi pislik gibi hissettiriyorsun ve canım acıyor Eğer bir hengâme başlatırsam Seni kaybetme riskin...
Autonomy lyrics
It's a thing that's worth having Yes I would Buys you your life sir If it could I I want you Autonomy It leaves us all wondering And it should This aw...
Boredom lyrics
Well I say what I mean I say what comes to mind I never get round to things I'm living a straight, straight line You know me--I'm acting dumb You know...
Boredom [German translation]
Also, ich sage, was ich meine Ich sage, was mir in den Sinn kommt Ich rede nie um den heißen Brei herum Ich lebe eine gerade, gerade Linie Ihr kennt m...
Boredom [Russian translation]
Ну, я говорю то, что думаю Я говорю то, что приходит в голову Я никогда не хожу вокруг да около Я живу прямо, прямолинейно Ты знаешь меня — я поступаю...
Everybody's Happy Nowadays lyrics
I was so tired of being upset Always wanting something I never could get Life's an illusion, love is a dream But I don't know what it is Everybody's h...
Everybody's Happy Nowadays [Russian translation]
Я так устал быть огорченным Вечно желать что-то, что никогда не смогу получить Любовь — это иллюзия, любовь — это мечта Но я не знаю, что это такое В ...
Fiction Romance lyrics
A fiction romance I love this love story That never seems to happen in my life A fiction romance All love and glory That never seems to happen in my l...
Harmony In My Head lyrics
Whenever I'm in doubt about things I do I listen to the high street wailing sounds in a queue I go out for my walking sailing social news Don't let it...
I Don't Know What To Do With My Life lyrics
I don't know what to do with my life Should I give it up and make a new start I don't know what to do with my life 'Cause the one I've got just tears ...
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