Steel Panther Lyrics
17 Girls In A Row lyrics
I fucked 17 girls in a row last night and 10 of them gave me head I had to tip the maid a hundred dollar bill to clean the wet spot off the bed, yes I...
17 Girls In A Row [French translation]
J'ai baisé 17 filles d'affilées hier soir et 10 d'entre elles m'ont fait une fellation Je doit comme pourboire à la femme de chambre une note de cent ...
17 Girls In A Row [Russian translation]
Я прошлой ночью трахнул 17 девок подряд, из них 10 - в голову С утра пришлось дать горничной сотку баксов, чтобы она убрала мокрое пятно с кровати, в ...
All I Wanna Do Is Fuck [Myself Tonight] lyrics
Sexy You're looking good but not good enough To take my mind off the really hot stuff If you want a hot love injection You have to look as good as my ...
Always Gonna Be a Ho lyrics
I fell in love with someone sweet and pure But she became the world's biggest whore I went away for a few weeks or more You fucked more dudes than I f...
Anything Goes lyrics
Tie a couple lassos around those tits Pour syrup on her ass like she's chicken and grits Make her wear a mask like Nikki Sixx Bring a german shepherd ...
Asian Hooker lyrics
I'm in Tokyo (I'm) looking for a ho (I) tried to score some blow but I don't speak Japanese (no) Found a geisha girl Took1 her for a whirl Wrap a tuna...
Asian Hooker [French translation]
Je suis a Tokyo (Je suis) à la recherche d'une prostituée (J'ai) essayé de tirer quelques coups mais je ne parle pas Japonais (non) Je trouve une fill...
Asian Hooker [Russian translation]
Я в Токио Я ищу бабу Я хотел получить отсос Но я не говорю по-японски (нет!) Нашел гейшу Вывел ее типа "на погулять" Натянул на член резинку И постави...
Asian Hooker [Turkish translation]
Tokyo'dayım Bir sürtüğü arıyorum Biraz porno izlemeye çalıştım Ama Japonca bilmiyorum (hayır) Bir geyşa buldum Gezintiye çıktık S*kime sushi rulosu sa...
B.V.S. lyrics
Big Vagina Syndrome is becoming a common disease Ladies that have this affliction are never easy to please If you poke someone with B.V.S. there's not...
B.V.S. [Hungarian translation]
A Nagy Vagina Szindróma gyakori betegséggé kezd válni A hölgyeket, akik ebben szenvednek sosem egyszerű kielégíteni Ha megtoszol valakit, akinek NVSZ-...
B.V.S. [Russian translation]
"Синдром Большой Вагины" становится очень распространенным заболеванием Дам с таким недугом непросто удовлетворить Присунуть кому-то с С.Б.В. не так-т...
Bukkake tears lyrics
You said you wanted to open up the doors to our bedroom You said my cock was nice but left a little too much headroom So I called some of the boys and...
Bukkake tears [Hungarian translation]
Azt mondtad, hogy meg akarod nyitni a hálószobánk ajtaját Azt mondtad, hogy jó a pöcsöm de kicsit sok mellette a hely Úgyhogy felhívtam pár srácot és ...
Bukkake tears [Russian translation]
Ты сказала, что можно и приоткрыть дверь в нашу спальню Ты сказала, что мой член неплох, но тебе маловато И я позвал парней на помощь Откуда мне было ...
Bukkake tears [Turkish translation]
Yatak odamızın kapılarını açmak istediğini söylemiştin Sikimin güzel olduğunu ama sakso için biraz fazla alan bıraktığını söylemiştin Bu yüzden bizim ...
Community Property lyrics
I would give you the stars in the sky but they're too far away If you were a hooker you know I'd be happy to pay If suddenly you were a guy- I'd be su...
Community Property [French translation]
Je décrocherais bien les étoiles pour toi mais elles sont trop loin Si t'étais une pute tu saurais que je serais heureux de te payer Et si d'un coup t...
Community Property [German translation]
Ich würde dir die Sterne am Himmel geben Doch sie sind zu weit entfernt Wärst du eine Nutte, wüsstest du Dass ich gerne bezahlen würde Wenn du plötzli...
Steel Panther
United States
Metal, Rock
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
For The Love Of A Daughter [Italian translation]
Fix A Heart [Turkish translation]
Fix A Heart [French translation]
For The Love Of A Daughter [French translation]
Fire Starter [Italian translation]
Fire Starter [Azerbaijani translation]
Fire Starter [Spanish translation]
Fix A Heart [Turkish translation]
Fire Starter [Greek translation]
For The Love Of A Daughter [Dutch translation]
Popular Songs
The World We Knew [Over And Over] lyrics
Fire Starter [Hungarian translation]
Fix A Heart [Serbian translation]
Fire Starter [French translation]
For The Love Of A Daughter [Swedish translation]
For The Love Of A Daughter [Hungarian translation]
For The Love Of A Daughter [Japanese translation]
[You're the] Devil in Disguise lyrics
For The Love Of A Daughter [Romanian translation]
Fix A Heart [Hungarian translation]
Tito Puente
Derya Uluğ
Demet Evgar
Bulgasal: Immortal Souls (OST)
Bekar Bekir (OST)
The Ex Girlfriends
Gimme Your Reply lyrics
Samo muzika lyrics
Problem With Love lyrics
Lembe Lembe lyrics
Brush Your Pet's Hair lyrics
Colours lyrics
Praznik za ljubav [Russian translation]
Boombox lyrics
Pod košem lyrics
Η αποτυχία της Αριστεράς [I apotikhía tis Aristerás] lyrics