Cats on Trees Lyrics
You won't find him, anywhere He's gone for good, lost for everybody I hope to hear from you, I hope one day Some inspired by you will be better people...
Jimmy [Danish translation]
You won't find him, anywhere He's gone for good, lost for everybody I hope to hear from you, I hope one day Some inspired by you will be better people...
Jimmy [English translation]
You won't find him, anywhere He's gone for good, lost for everybody I hope to hear from you, I hope one day Some inspired by you will be better people...
Jimmy [Spanish translation]
You won't find him, anywhere He's gone for good, lost for everybody I hope to hear from you, I hope one day Some inspired by you will be better people...
Black Lips lyrics
[Verse 1] When I met you, when I met you for the first time I didn’t know how to control, control, control myself When I got here, when I got here for...
Black Lips [French translation]
[Couplet 1] Quand je t'ai rencontré, quand je t'ai rencontré pour la première fois Je ne savais pas commentme contrôler, contrôler, contrôler Quand j'...
Blue lyrics
Blue, I’m ok I won’t be changing my ways for you Oh Blue, I’m ok I’m not fading away for you But I’m alright, we can’t change the night It’s up to you...
Blue [French translation]
Bleu, je vais bien Je ne me changerai pas pour toi Oh bleu, je vais bien Je ne disparaîtrai pas pour toi Mais je vais bien, on ne peut pas changer la ...
Flowers lyrics
At night sometimes, everything's spinning And the mountain's too high to keep climbing You want to play right, your hands are shaking You'd love to kn...
Flowers [French translation]
La nuit parfois, tout tourne Et la montagne est trop haute pour continuer de l'escalader Tu veux bien jouer, tes mains tremblent Tu aimerais connaître...
Keep On Dancing lyrics
[Verse 1] Day one you’re locking the door Baby the roof is on fire Two hands are driving this car Beasts all around you’re closer Day two you’re sweat...
Keep On Dancing [French translation]
(1) Jour un, tu fermes la porte à clé Bébé, le toit est en feu Deux mains conduisent cette voiture Des bêtes tout autour, tu es plus proche Jour deux,...
Love You Like A Love Song lyrics
It’s been said and done Every beautiful thoughts, been already sung And I guess right now, here’s another one So your melody, will play on and on, wit...
Love You Like A Love Song [Turkish translation]
söylendi, ve yapıldı her güzel düşünce çok şarkı olarak söylendi ve sanırım şu an burada yeni bir şarkı var senin melodin tekrar tekrar çalıp duracak,...
Sirens Call lyrics
Whatever way, the same Nothing according to plan If I could just see clearly, into you The same face every day, the sirens calling away This mean so m...
Sirens Call [Bosnian translation]
kako god, isto je Nista nije po planu Kada bih samo mogao da vidim cisto, u tebi Isto lice svaki dan, sirene se cuju ovo znaci tako mnogo vise Plutaju...
Sirens Call [French translation]
Quel que soit le chemin, c'est toujours la même chose Rien n'est conforme au plan Si seulement je pouvais voir clairement en toi Le même visage tous l...
Sirens Call [Greek translation]
Οποιοσδήποτε τρόπος, ο ίδιος Τίποτα σύμφωνα με το σχέδιο Αν θα μπορούσα μόνο να δω καθαρά, μέσα σου Το ίδιο πρόσωπο κάθε μέρα, οι σειρήνες φωνάζουν απ...
Sirens Call [Italian translation]
In qualunque modo,lo stesso Niente secondo i piani Se solo potessi vedere chiaramente, dentro di te La stessa faccia ogni giorno, le sirene chiamano v...
Sirens Call [Romanian translation]
Indiferent cum , la fel Nimic în conformitate cu planul făcut Dacă aş putea vedea clar , în tine Aceeași față în fiecare zi , sirenele mă cheamă depar...
Cats on Trees
English, French
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