Markéta Irglová Lyrics
Falling Slowly
I don't know you But I want you All the more for that Words fall through me And always fool me And I can't react And games that never amount To more t...
If You Want Me
Are you really here or am I dreaming I can't tell dreams from truth for it's been so long since I have seen you I can hardly remember your face anymor...
If You Want Me [Czech translation]
Jsi opravdu tady, nebo jenom sním? Už nerozliším sny od pravdy, protože je to tak dávno, co jsem tě viděla, že už tvoji tvář stěží poznávám. Když si p...
If You Want Me [Turkish translation]
Gerçekten burada mısın, yoksa rüya mı görüyorum? Gerçek ile rüyayı ayırt edemez oldum Seni görmeyeli çok uzun zaman oldu Yüzünü bile zar zor hatırlıyo...
Fortune Teller lyrics
Close your eyes and think of the future. Picture yourself, now what do you see? One year from now, two ten or twenty… Tell me, tell me! What would you...
Gabriel lyrics
Behold a bed of golden sand, Upon it lies a sea of empty shells, The dream of life on earth dissolving fast, Like a world painted in aquarelles. Yet i...
Gabriel [Czech translation]
Pohleď, dno ze zlatého písku, na něm leží moře prázdných lastur, sen o životě na zemi se kvapem rozplývá jako svět namalovaný akvarelem. Přesto však n...
Mary lyrics
Oh Father, what do you see? Are you well pleased in me? I always longed to be Worthy of the faith you put in me, and It would make me sad if I should ...
Phoenix lyrics
You told me all creation starts, Within the darkness of a womb, Comparing flowers to enlightened minds, and Therefore loving to see them bloom. As I h...
Point of Creation lyrics
Take me to the point of my creation, Take me where my life began. I was born into this world, What had I intended then? What had I chosen for a destin...
Point of Creation [Czech translation]
Zanes mě do okamžiku mého stvoření, zaveď mě tam, kde začal můj život. Narodila jsem se na tento svět, co jsem tehdy zamýšlela? Jaký osud jsem si zvol...
Remember Who You Are lyrics
Tell me why you hide from me, Or am I blinded by the expectation, Of what I’ll see? How do you expect nothing, but Stay open to everything? I’ve been ...
Seasons Change lyrics
Open your door, come on outside, It’s raining, but still, that’s no reason to hide. Put on your coat, we can still play, Or go for a walk, rain as it ...
The Hill lyrics
Walking up the hill tonight and you have closed your eyes I wish I didn't have to make all those mistakes and be wise Please try to be patient and kno...
The Hill [Czech translation]
Dnes v noci kráčím na kopec, zatímco ty jsi zavřel oči. Přála bych si, abych nemusela udělat všechny ty chyby a byla moudrá. Zkus být trpělivý, prosím...
The Leading Bird lyrics
Clouds descend on grass grown wild, Tall and grand, lush in hand. They bend in air as man in prayer. I’m weaving through, trying to get to you. I’m ru...
The Leading Bird [Spanish translation]
Las nubes descienden sobre la salvaje hierba crecida, Alta y enorme, exuberante en la mano. Se dobla en el aire como el hombre en una oración. Estoy a...
This Right Here lyrics
Anything that I could say right now, Would only be a pale reflection of what I feel. Won’t you let me just look at you, Our eyes are the windows to Ou...
Time Immemorial lyrics
Wounded soldier, rest a while. In this house you’re safe from harm. Let the war fight itself. Don’t be alarmed- Though I wear a uniform of your army’s...
Without A Map lyrics
God, I’ve been sent here blind to learn to see, Remembering you were always there with me. But do you know just how hard that’s been? Could all of thi...
Markéta Irglová
Czech Republic
English, Persian
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
Heimdallr [English translation]
Disintegrator lyrics
Entrance-Escape lyrics
Eld lyrics
Hordalendingen lyrics
Hiindsiight lyrics
Heir to the Cosmic Seed lyrics
Heimdallr lyrics
Feathers of Eolh lyrics
Convoys to Nothingness lyrics
Popular Songs
Entroper lyrics
Flight of Thought and Memory [English translation]
For Lenge Siden [English translation]
For Lenge Siden lyrics
Ethica Odini [Turkish translation]
Homebound lyrics
Hollow Inside lyrics
Death in the Eyes of Dawn lyrics
Death in the Eyes of Dawn [Turkish translation]
Heimvegen lyrics
Gilbert Chellembron
Katie Noonan
Kim Ryzhov
DJ Vianu
DJ Chuckie
Love Affair In The Afternoon (OST)
Ave Maria Algueresa lyrics
Чудесный вальс [CHudesnyj val's] lyrics
Я вновь повстречался с Надеждой [Ya vnovʹ povstrechalsya s Nadezhdoy] [English translation]
Примета [Primeta] [English translation]
Старый пиджак [Staryy pidzhak] [English translation]
Шарманка-шарлатанка lyrics
Frozen [OST] - Liebe öffnet Tür'n [Love Is an Open Door]
Alt blir en åpen dør [Love is an open door] lyrics
Эта женщина! Увижу и немею [Eta zhenshchina! Uvizhu i nemeyu] [French translation]
Я вновь повстречался с Надеждой [Ya vnovʹ povstrechalsya s Nadezhdoy] [French translation]