Serhat Featuring Lyrics
Helena Paparizou - Total Disguise
Under the blue sky It’s just you and I And I wonder why I can’t be with Anyone else but you Is it something in your eyes? Or your innocent lies? That ...
Total Disguise [Bulgarian translation]
Under the blue sky It’s just you and I And I wonder why I can’t be with Anyone else but you Is it something in your eyes? Or your innocent lies? That ...
Total Disguise [Greek translation]
Under the blue sky It’s just you and I And I wonder why I can’t be with Anyone else but you Is it something in your eyes? Or your innocent lies? That ...
Total Disguise [Russian translation]
Under the blue sky It’s just you and I And I wonder why I can’t be with Anyone else but you Is it something in your eyes? Or your innocent lies? That ...
Total Disguise [Spanish translation]
Under the blue sky It’s just you and I And I wonder why I can’t be with Anyone else but you Is it something in your eyes? Or your innocent lies? That ...
English, French, Turkish, German, Italian
Dance, Disco, Latino, Pop
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Excellent Songs recommendation
La terra trema, amore mio [English translation]
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