Youssou N’Dour Also Performed Pyrics
Pete Tong & Her-O - 7 Seconds
Boul ma sene, boul ma guiss madi re nga fokni mane Khamouma li neka thi sama souf ak thi guinaw Beugouma kouma khol oaldine yaw li neka si yaw Mo ne s...
Louis Aragon - Il n'y a pas d'amour heureux
Rien n'est jamais acquis à l'homme ni sa force Ni sa faiblesse ni son cœur et quand il croit Ouvrir ses bras son ombre est celle d'une croix Et quand ...
Il n'y a pas d'amour heureux [English translation]
Man never fully masters anything Neither his strength, his weakness, nor his heart And when he thinks he opens his arms His shadow is that of a cross....
Il n'y a pas d'amour heureux [Italian translation]
Niente sia mai acquisito all'uomo Né la sua forza Né la sua debolezza né il suo cuore Et quando crede Di aprire le braccia la sua ombra è quella di un...
Il n'y a pas d'amour heureux [Spanish translation]
Nunca nada está adquirido al hombre, Ni su fuerza ni su debilidad ni su corazón Y cuando cree abrir sus brazos su sombra Es la de una cruz Y cuando cr...
Il n'y a pas d'amour heureux [Spanish translation]
Nada tiene seguro El hombre ni flaqueza Ni fuerza ni corazón Si cree abrir los brazos Una cruz es su sombra Cuando quiere ceñir Su vida la destruye Es...
Il n'y a pas d'amour heureux [Vietnamese translation]
Trên đời không gì mà ta có mãi được Sức mạnh hay yếu mềm, và khi tin tưởng đầy tim Dang tay ra bóng mình như thánh giá đưa lên Khi tưởng ôm hạnh phúc,...
Youssou N’Dour
Wolof, French, English, Unknown
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
אבינו מלכנו [Avinu Malkeinu] lyrics
ぽんこつ人形の唄 [Ponkotsu ningyō no uta] lyrics
I Walk Alone [Romanian translation]
If You Believe [French translation]
In For A Kill [Russian translation]
Spiritual Walkers lyrics
I Walk Alone [Spanish translation]
夜行性 [Yakōsei] lyrics
Mes Mains lyrics
Pesnya proshcheniya [Песня прощения] V2 lyrics
Popular Songs
Into the Sun [Czech translation]
Innocence [Romanian translation]
In For A Kill [Turkish translation]
If You Believe [Romanian translation]
Você é inútil demais [Kimi wa dekinai ko 君はできない子]
Sebastián Yatra - Sabrosura
Скажи мне «Да» [Skazhi mne "da'] lyrics
Innocence [Portuguese translation]
I Walk Alone [Polish translation]
In the picture lyrics
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Cuando tú no estás lyrics
Peter Gabriel - Intruder
دریغ [Darigh] [Transliteration]
J'ai mal à l'amour lyrics
Την πίκρα μου να βαπτιστείς [Tin píkra mοu na vaptistís ] lyrics
اگه یه روز [Age Ye Rooz] [French translation]
Най-добрия [Nai-dobria] lyrics
اگه یه روز [Age Ye Rooz] [English translation]
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