Josh Groban Featuring Lyrics
All I Know of Love
Barbara Streisand: Once I found the perfect love And you showed me everything there was to know of love Time will not betray the truth And for all the...
All I Know of Love [English translation]
Barbara Streisand: Once I found the perfect love And you showed me everything there was to know of love Time will not betray the truth And for all the...
Anatoly and Molokov
[MOLOKOV, spoken] The man is utterly mad. Believe me, Anatoly, you're playing a lunatic [ANATOLY, spoken] That's the problem. He's a brilliant lunatic...
Anatoly and Molokov [Polish translation]
[MOLOKOV, spoken] The man is utterly mad. Believe me, Anatoly, you're playing a lunatic [ANATOLY, spoken] That's the problem. He's a brilliant lunatic...
Anatoly and the Press
[REPORTER #3, spoken] Excuse me, Mr. Sergievsky, why are you leaving Russia? What about your wife and family? [REPORTERS] How long was this planned? W...
Anatoly and the Press [Polish translation]
[REPORTER #3, spoken] Excuse me, Mr. Sergievsky, why are you leaving Russia? What about your wife and family? [REPORTERS] How long was this planned? W...
Anthem [Reprise]
[FLORENCE, spoken] What did you say? [WALTER, spoken] Well, we can't be sure he is alive. But, then, you couldn't Be sure he was dead. No change there...
Anthem [Reprise] [Finnish translation]
[FLORENCE, spoken] What did you say? [WALTER, spoken] Well, we can't be sure he is alive. But, then, you couldn't Be sure he was dead. No change there...
Believe lyrics
Children sleeping, snow is softly falling Dreams are calling like bells in the distance We were dreamers not so long ago But one by one we all had to ...
Believe [Romanian translation]
Children sleeping, snow is softly falling Dreams are calling like bells in the distance We were dreamers not so long ago But one by one we all had to ...
Children sleeping Snow is softly falling Dreams are calling Likes bells in the distance We were dreamers Not so long ago But one by one We all had to ...
Bienvenido a la Cárcel [The Big House] [European Spanish]
Nadya: El mejor hotel estatal de Rusia entera Siempre está muy orgulloso de su clientela Excelente desde 1932 Lo que diga internet, no lo debes creer ...
Bienvenido a la Cárcel [The Big House] [European Spanish] [French translation]
Nadya: El mejor hotel estatal de Rusia entera Siempre está muy orgulloso de su clientela Excelente desde 1932 Lo que diga internet, no lo debes creer ...
Embassy Lament [In Concert, 2008]
[EMBASSY OFFICIALS] Oh, my dear how boring He's defecting Just like all the others He's expecting Us to be impressed With what he's done here But he h...
Embassy Lament [In Concert, 2008] [Polish translation]
[ ] Mój drogi, jak nudno On dezerteruje Tak jak wszyscy inni Oczekuje Że zaimponuje nam Tym, co zrobił Ale nie przestał Myśleć o formalnościach Jaką j...
Chess [musical] - Endgame #3 / Chess Game #3
[ANATOLY] They all think they see a man Who doesn't know Which move to make Which way to go Whose private life Caused his decline Wrecked his grand de...
Jimmy Kimmel - I’m Fucking Ben Affleck
Jimmy Kimmel: Oh, Hi Sarah. It’s been a long time. I guess you’ve been…busy with…Matt Damon. I’ve been busy too. I’ve been thinking about us, and you ...
La tua semplicità
Stare qui davanti a te Guardare con questi occhi miei In cui convergono Le stellari vie Occhi ignari di colui Che silenzioso regna in voi Da sé, dalle...
La tua semplicità [English translation]
I stand before you I look with my own eyes In which converge Those starry streets Their eyes Of which the silence reigns in you From the light itself ...
La tua semplicità [Persian translation]
بودن در مقابل تو نگاه کردن با این چشمانم که می گرابند به مسیر ستارگان چشمانی غافل از او که خاموش در درون سلطنت می کند از خودش از ستارگان نوری بی حد و ...
Josh Groban
United States
English, Italian, Spanish, French+4 more, Portuguese, Latin, Japanese, Neapolitan
Classical, Opera, Pop
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
"Я вам расскажу про то, что будет ..." ["Ya vam rasskazhu pro to, chto budet ..."] [German translation]
"Я первый смерил жизнь обратным счетом ..." ["Ya pervyy smeril zhiznʹ obratnym schetom ..."] lyrics
"Штормит весь вечер, и пока ..." ["Shtormit vesʹ vecher, i poka ..."] [Hungarian translation]
"Я никогда не верил в миражи ..." ["Ya nikogda ne veril v mirazhi..."] [German translation]
"Я - летчик, я - истребитель ..." ["Ya - letchik, ya - istrebitelʹ ..."] [German translation]
"Я был завсегдатаем всех пивных ..." ["Ya byl zavsegdatayem vsekh pivnykh ..."] lyrics
"Я думал - это все, без сожаленья ..." ["Ya dumal - eto vse, bez sozhalenʹya ..."] [German translation]
"Штормит весь вечер, и пока ..." ["Shtormit vesʹ vecher, i poka ..."] [German translation]
"Я лежу в изоляторе ..." ["Ya lezhu v izolyatore ..."] lyrics
"Что брюхо-то поджалось-то ..." ["Chto bryukho-to podzhalosʹ-to ..."] lyrics
Popular Songs
"Я думал - это все, без сожаленья ..." ["Ya dumal - eto vse, bez sozhalenʹya ..."] lyrics
"Я бодрствую, но вещий сон мне снится ..." ["Ya bodrstvuyu, no veshchiy son mne snit·sya ..."] [German translation]
"Я б тоже согласился на полет ..." [Ya b tozhe soglacilsya na polet..] lyrics
"Штормит весь вечер, и пока ..." ["Shtormit vesʹ vecher, i poka ..."] lyrics
"Я б тоже согласился на полет ..." [Ya b tozhe soglacilsya na polet..] [German translation]
"Часов, минут, секунд - нули ..." ["Chasov, minut, sekund - nuli ..."] [German translation]
"Я никогда не верил в миражи ..." ["Ya nikogda ne veril v mirazhi..."] [English translation]
"Я дышал синевой ..." ["Ya dyshal sinevoy ..."] [German translation]
"Что сегодня мне суды и заседанья ..." ["Chto segodnya mne sudy i zasedanʹya ..."] lyrics
"Это вовсе не френч канкан ..." [Eto vovse ne french kankan...] [English translation]
Mário Cesariny (de Vasconcelos)
Chico Science & Nação Zumbi
Zak Stefanou
Hayley Kiyoko
Exile (Japan)
Matheus Fernandes
Trumpet Thing
Beautiful Gong Shim (OST)
בדד [Badad] [English translation]
תפילת האימהות [Transliteration]
Αντίο αγάπη διχασμένη [antio agapi dixasmeni] lyrics
το σημάδι [To simadi] [Transliteration]
בקפה של סטליוס [Bakafe Shel Stelios] lyrics
το σημάδι [To simadi] [Turkish translation]
צל עץ תמר [Tzel Etz Tamar] [Transliteration]
צל עץ תמר [Tzel Etz Tamar] [English translation]
נפתח הלב [Niftach Ha-Lev] [Transliteration]
Exhuming McCarthy lyrics