Iron Maiden Lyrics
Brave New World [Portuguese translation]
Asas retorcidas de cisnes morrendo, a beleza não é necessária aqui Perdi meu amor, perdi minha vida, nesse jardim do medo Eu vi muitas coisas numa vid...
Brave New World [Romanian translation]
Lebede muribunde, aripi sucite, nu-i nevoie de frumusețe-aici Mi-am pierdut iubirea, mi-am pierdut viața, în grădina asta a fricii Am văzut multe lucr...
Brave New World [Russian translation]
Умирающие лебеди крутят крылья, красота здесь не нужна Потерял свою любовь, потерял свою жизнь в этом саду страха Я видел много вещей, в одной жизни М...
Brave New World [Serbian translation]
Umirući labudi uvrnuta krila, lepota nije potrebna ovde Izgubio svoju ljubav, izgubio svoj život u ovoj bašti straha Video sam mnoge stvari u životu s...
Brave New World [Slovak translation]
Umierajúce labute, skrútené krídla, krása nepotrebná tu Stratil som svoju lásku, stratil som svoj život, v tejto záhrade strachu Videl som veľa vecí, ...
Brave New World [Spanish translation]
Cisnes moribundos, alas torcidas, la belleza no es necesaria aquí Perdí mi amor, perdí mi vida, en este jardín del miedo He visto muchas cosas, en una...
Brave New World [Turkish translation]
Kırgın kanatlı kuğular ölürken, güzelliğe gerek yok burada* Kaybettim sevgimi, kaybettim hayatımı, bu korku bahçesinde Birçok şey gördüm, tek başıma g...
Brighter Than A Thousand Suns lyrics
We are not the sons of God We are not his chosen people now We have crossed the path he trod We will feel the pain of his beginning Shadow fingers ris...
Brighter Than A Thousand Suns [Greek translation]
Δεν είμαστε γιοί του Θεού Δεν είμαστε οι εκλεκτοί του άνθρωποι τώρα Έχουμε διασχίσει το μονοπάτι στο οποίο βάδισε Θα νιώσουμε τον πόνο της αρχής του Δ...
Brighter Than A Thousand Suns [Serbian translation]
Mi nismo sinovi Božji Mi nismo više njegov odabran narod Prešli smo stazu kojom je koračao Osetićemo bol njegovog počela. Prsti senki, uzdignite se Že...
Brighter Than A Thousand Suns [Spanish translation]
No somos los hijos de Dios Ya no somos su pueblo elegido Hemos cruzado el camino que él recorrió Sentiremos el dolor de su comienzo Los dedos de la so...
Brighter Than A Thousand Suns [Turkish translation]
Tanrı'nın evlatları değiliz artık Onun seçilmiş insanları değiliz Onun yürüdüğü yola ters düştük Onun başlangıcının acısını hissedeceğiz Gölge parmakl...
Bring Your Daughter... to the Slaughter lyrics
Honey, it's getting close to midnight And all the myths are in town True love and lipstick on your linen Bite the pillow, make no sound If there's som...
Bring Your Daughter... to the Slaughter [German translation]
Süße, es ist bald Mitternacht Und alle Mythen sind noch immer in der Stadt Wahre Liebe und Lippenstift auf deiner Bettwäsche Beiß ins Kissen, gib kein...
Bring Your Daughter... to the Slaughter [Greek translation]
Γλυκιά μου, Κοντεύει μεσάνυχτα Και όλοι μύθοι βρίσκονται στην πόλη Αληθινή αγάπη και κραγιόν βρίσκονται στα σεντόνια σου Δάγκωσε το μαξιλάρι, μην κάνε...
Bring Your Daughter... to the Slaughter [Romanian translation]
Dragă, se apropie de miezul nopții Și toate miturile sunt în oraș Adevărata dragoste și ruj pe lenjeria ta Mușcă perna, nu scoate niciun sunet Dacă ma...
Bring Your Daughter... to the Slaughter [Russian translation]
Милая, близится полночь Всплыли городские легенды Настоящая любовь, простыни в помаде Подушка в зубах, и ни звука Если еще есть, ради чего пожить, Пре...
Bring Your Daughter... to the Slaughter [Serbian translation]
Srce ,skoro sebliziponoc i sve bajke su u gradu Prava ljubav i ruz na tvojoj posteljini Grizi jastuk , ne pravi zvuk Ako nesto treba da se dogodi Pre ...
Bring Your Daughter... to the Slaughter [Slovak translation]
Miláčik, blíži sa polnoc A všetky mýty su stále v meste Pravdivá láska a rúž na tvojej bielizni Hryzieš vankúš, nerobíš žiadny zvuk Ak je tam nejaký ž...
Bring Your Daughter... to the Slaughter [Turkish translation]
Tatlım, gece yarısına az kaldı Ve tüm efsaneler şehire indi İç çamaşırlarının üzerinde gerçek aşk ve ruj Yastığı ısır, ses çıkarma Eğer yapılacak bir ...
Iron Maiden
United Kingdom
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Excellent Songs recommendation
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Pisaću joj pisma duga [English translation]
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