Freddy Fender Lyrics
Help me Make it through the Night
Take the ribbon from your hair, shake it loose and let it fall, laying soft against your skin like the shadows on the wall. Come and lay down by my si...
Help me Make it through the Night [French translation]
Enlève le ruban de tes cheveux, Défais-les et laisse-les tomber Soyeusement contre ta peau Comme les ombres sur le mur. Viens t'allonger à côté de moi...
Help me Make it through the Night [German translation]
Nimm das Band von deinem Haar, Lockere es und lass es fallen, Weich liegend auf deiner Haut Wie die Schatten an der Wand. Komm und leg dich neben mich...
Help me Make it through the Night [Spanish translation]
Toma la cinta de tu cabello, Agitalo hasta que se suelte y dejalo caer, Cayendo suavemente sobre tu piel como las sombras en la pared. Ven y acuestate...
Help me Make it through the Night [Vietnamese translation]
Tháo chiếc khăn trên mái tóc em Rũ nhẹ cho nó rơi thật êm Trên da em đặt lên nhè nhẹ Như bóng dài trên vách tường đêm Xin đến đây nằm cạnh anh ơi Cho ...
Before the Next Teardrop Falls lyrics
If he brings you happiness, then I wish you all the best. If you're happy, then that matters most of all. But if he ever breaks your heart, if the tea...
Before the Next Teardrop Falls [English translation]
If he brings you happiness then I wish you all the best It's your happiness that matters most of all But if he ever breaks your heart If the teardrops...
Before the Next Teardrop Falls [French translation]
S'il t'apporte du bonheur, alors je te souhaite le meilleur. Si tu es contente, alors ça compte le plus. Mais si un jour il te brise le cœur, si jamai...
Before the Next Teardrop Falls [German translation]
Wenn er dir Glück bringt, Dann wünsche ich dir alles Gute. Wenn du glücklich bist, Dann ist das am wichtigsten. Aber wenn er jemals dein Herz bricht, ...
Before the Next Teardrop Falls [Romanian translation]
Dacă el îți aduce fericire, atunci îți urez toate cele bune. Dacă ești fericită, atunci asta contează cel mai mult. Dar dacă-ți frânge inima vreodată,...
Before the Next Teardrop Falls [Spanish translation]
Si te trae felicidad, entonces te deseo lo mejor. Si eres feliz, eso es lo que importa. Pero si llega a romperte el corazón, si las lágrimas alguna ve...
Crying time lyrics
Oh, it's cryin' time again, you're gonna leave me I can see that far away look in your eyes I can tell by the way you hold me darlin' Oooh That it won...
Crying time [German translation]
Ach, es ist schon wieder Zeit zum Weinen, du wirst mich verlassen Ich kann diesen „weit weg“-Blick in deinen Augen sehen Ich spüre es daran wie du mic...
Crying time [Spanish translation]
Oh, momento de llorar de nuevo, me vas a dejar puedo ver esa mirada alejada en tus ojos puedo ver por el modo en que me sostienes cariño, Oooh que no ...
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights lyrics
Wasted days and wasted nights, I have left for you Behind For you don't belong to me, Your heart belongs to someone else. Why should I keep loving you...
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights [German translation]
Verschwendete Tage und Nächte Habe ich für dich zurückgelassen Denn du gehörst nicht zu mir Dein Herz gehört einem anderen Warum sollte ich dich weite...
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights [Romanian translation]
Zile şi nopţi irosite am lăsat în urmă pentru tine cum tu nu-mi mai aparţii iar inima ta e a altcuiva... De ce te-aş mai iubi când eu ştiu că m-ai min...
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights [Spanish translation]
Días y noches desperdiciados, he dejado atrás por ti, pero tú no me perteneces, tu corazón pertenece a otro. ¿Por qué debería seguir amándote cuando s...
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights [Turkish translation]
Heba olmuş geceler gündüzler, Bıraktım arkada senin için. Sen benim olmadın, Kalbin başkasına ait. Neden seni sevmeye devam edeyim, Senin benim için y...
Freddy Fender
United States
English, Spanish
Country music, Latino, Rock 'n' Roll
Official site:
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