A Day to Remember Lyrics
Colder Than My Heart, If You Can Imagine lyrics
[Verse 1] Don't point your finger baby This isn't the best time for you to test me "This wasn't just anyone here" she said If it wasn't you, it's some...
Dead & Buried lyrics
Let me find the way that I can make do Without circumstance, without follow through A man in desperation can't trust a troubled mind I'm building an e...
Degenerates lyrics
My friends are degenerates But I'd never change them Liars, cheats, and hypocrites Not the type for savin' Why do we tend to hurt one another? Dividin...
End of Me lyrics
I took some time away For understanding of what brought us here today Oh, you'll be the end of me I'm never happy like we were happy I'm never sad lik...
End of Me [German translation]
Ich nahm mir etwas Zeit, Um zu verstehen was uns hier her gebracht hat Oh, du wirst mein Ende sein Ich bin nie so glücklich, wie wir es waren Ich bin ...
End of Me [Greek translation]
Απομακρύνθηκα για λίγο καιρό Για να καταλάβω τι Μας έφερε εδώ σήμερα Ω,θα'σαι το τέλος μου Δεν είμαι ποτέ χαρούμενος όπως ήμασταν χαρούμενοι Δεν είμαι...
End of Me [Indonesian translation]
Ku membutuhkan beberapa waktu Untuk memahami apa yang membawa kita kemari saat ini Oh, kau akan menjadi akhir diriku Ku tak pernah bahagia seakan kita...
End of Me [Polish translation]
Wziąłem trochę czasu na uboczu Żeby zrozumieć, co doprowadziło nas tutaj dzisiaj Och, będziesz końcem mnie Nigdy nie jestem szczęśliwy, jak byliśmy sz...
End of Me [Portuguese translation]
Eu fiquei um tempo longe Pra entender o que nos trouxe aqui hoje Ah, você será meu fim Nunca fico feliz como nós ficávamos felizes Nunca fico triste c...
End of Me [Serbian translation]
Uzeo sam malo vremena Da razumem sta nas je dovelo ovde danas Oh, ti ces biti moj kraj Nikada nisam srecan, kao sto smo mi bili srecni Nikada nisam tu...
End of Me [Turkish translation]
Biraz zamanımı aldı Bizi bugün buraya getirenin ne olduğunu anlayabilmem Ah, sonum olacaksın Bizim mutlu olduğumuz gibi mutlu değilim Bizim üzgün oldu...
Everything We Need lyrics
At a certain speed on the interstate Everything looks the same The blurry green helps me meditate When everything’s always changing I’m doin buck 20 o...
Exposed lyrics
I won’t accept your fear Another stagnant year I'm pro-American but anti-politician They'll trade you a voice For an illusion of choice Truth hits lik...
F.Y.M. lyrics
I sit and wait Countin' the minutes just like yesterday Trackin' my miracle, we must be runnin' late It read "Returned to sender," I can't catch a bre...
Fast Forward To 2012 lyrics
[Verse 1] We welcome you to the second chapter Thanks for turning the other page We acknowledge you as the only reason For the progress that we've mad...
Fast Forward To 2012 [Portuguese translation]
[Verso 1] Nós lhe damos as boas-vindas ao segunda capítulo Obrigado por virar a página Nós reconhecemos você como a única razão Para o progresso que f...
Forgive and forget lyrics
I feel like a runaway, seeing the light of day For the first time, I'm drawing the line It's hard to care when you know it all In slow motion, I watch...
Forgive and forget [French translation]
J'ai l'impression d'être un fugitif qui voit la lumière du jour Pour la première fois, je tire un trait C'est difficile de se soucier des choses quand...
Forgive and forget [Italian translation]
Mi sento come fuori controllo, ammirando la luce del giorno per la prima volta, sto disegnando una linea è difficile prendersene cura quando sai a ral...
Forgive and forget [Russian translation]
Я чувствую себя словно беглец, который впервые увидел дневной свет, я подвожу черту. Это не имеет значение, когда ты все это знаешь, В замедленной съе...
A Day to Remember
United States
Punk, Metalcore/Hardcore
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