Marie Digby Lyrics
The Keeper
Ooooooo Ooooooo [x2] Leaves on the ground, waiting but there’s no sound Years go by, layers of love, lust, fire Ice all around, everything lost and fo...
The Keeper [Hungarian translation]
Ó, ó [2x] Falevelek a földön, várok, de nincs egy hang sem Az évek múlnak, a szerelem, vágy, tűz szintjei, Mindenütt jég, minden elveszett majd megker...
Beauty in Walking Away lyrics
A light shines off in the distance A pale flickering glow How many times do I have to dream that I could be there The time is here and she won't be wa...
Beauty in Walking Away [Romanian translation]
O lumină străluceşte în depărtare, O licărire slabă pâlpâind, De câte ori trebuie să visez că aş putea fi acolo? A venit timpul şi ea nu mă mai va aşt...
Love With A Stranger lyrics
You close the doors When you're with me, slowly Lay down next to me Just the alight of our fate This was not part of the plan I was just on my way You...
Love With A Stranger [Bulgarian translation]
Затваряш вратите когато си с мен, бавно. Лягаш до мен. Просто проблясък на съдбата ни. Това не беше планирано. Тъкмо тръгвах на път. С теб се чувствам...
Miss Invisible lyrics
There's a girl Who sits under the bleachers Just another day eating alone though she smiles There is something she's hiding And she can't find a way t...
Miss Invisible [Romanian translation]
E o fată Care sta sub tribune, Încă o zi în care mănâncă singură, Deşi zâmbeşte, Ascunde ceva Şi nu poate găsi o cale să se identifice cu alţii, Râmân...
Say it again lyrics
The thing about love Is I never saw it coming It kind of crept up And took me by surprise And now theres a voice inside my heart That's got me wonderi...
Spell lyrics
Spotlight shining brightly, on my face I can't see a thing and yet I feel you walking my way Empty stage, with nothing but this girl Singing this simp...
Spell [Romanian translation]
Lumina reflectoarelor strălucindu-mi puternic pe chip, Nu pot să văd nimic şi totuşi te simt mergând în direcţia mea, Scenă goală cu nimic decât fata ...
Marie Digby
United States
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