Guns N' Roses Lyrics
14 Years lyrics
I try and feel the sunshine You bring the rain You try and hold me down With your complaints You cry and moan and complain You whine and tear Up to my...
14 Years [French translation]
I try and feel the sunshine You bring the rain You try and hold me down With your complaints You cry and moan and complain You whine and tear Up to my...
14 Years [Greek translation]
I try and feel the sunshine You bring the rain You try and hold me down With your complaints You cry and moan and complain You whine and tear Up to my...
14 Years [Greek translation]
I try and feel the sunshine You bring the rain You try and hold me down With your complaints You cry and moan and complain You whine and tear Up to my...
14 Years [Turkish translation]
I try and feel the sunshine You bring the rain You try and hold me down With your complaints You cry and moan and complain You whine and tear Up to my...
Absurd lyrics
Listen motherfuckers to the song that should be heard Back down in the gutter is more than you deserve Screaming fucking banshee, you know that’s what...
Absurd [Turkish translation]
Listen motherfuckers to the song that should be heard Back down in the gutter is more than you deserve Screaming fucking banshee, you know that’s what...
Ain´t It Fun [French translation]
Ain't it fun when you're always on the run Ain't it fun when you're friends despise what you become Ain't it fun when you get so high, well that you, ...
Ain´t It Fun [Romanian translation]
Ain't it fun when you're always on the run Ain't it fun when you're friends despise what you become Ain't it fun when you get so high, well that you, ...
Anything Goes lyrics
I been thinkin' bout, thinkin' bout sex! Always hungry for somethin' that I haven't had yet Well maybe, baby, you got somethin' to lose Well, I got so...
Anything Goes [Czech translation]
I been thinkin' bout, thinkin' bout sex! Always hungry for somethin' that I haven't had yet Well maybe, baby, you got somethin' to lose Well, I got so...
Anything Goes [Finnish translation]
I been thinkin' bout, thinkin' bout sex! Always hungry for somethin' that I haven't had yet Well maybe, baby, you got somethin' to lose Well, I got so...
Anything Goes [French translation]
I been thinkin' bout, thinkin' bout sex! Always hungry for somethin' that I haven't had yet Well maybe, baby, you got somethin' to lose Well, I got so...
Anything Goes [Greek translation]
I been thinkin' bout, thinkin' bout sex! Always hungry for somethin' that I haven't had yet Well maybe, baby, you got somethin' to lose Well, I got so...
Anything Goes [Serbian translation]
I been thinkin' bout, thinkin' bout sex! Always hungry for somethin' that I haven't had yet Well maybe, baby, you got somethin' to lose Well, I got so...
Anything Goes [Turkish translation]
I been thinkin' bout, thinkin' bout sex! Always hungry for somethin' that I haven't had yet Well maybe, baby, you got somethin' to lose Well, I got so...
Attitude lyrics
Yeah! Attitude 'tsa fuckin' attitude I can't believe what ya say to me You got some attitude Inside that bitter brain There's gotta be a whore If you ...
Back Off Bitch lyrics
Oh baby, pretty baby. Oh honey, you let me down, honey. I ain't playin' childhood games no more. I said it's time for me to even the score. So stake y...
Back Off Bitch [Croatian translation]
Oh baby, pretty baby. Oh honey, you let me down, honey. I ain't playin' childhood games no more. I said it's time for me to even the score. So stake y...
Back Off Bitch [Dutch translation]
Oh baby, pretty baby. Oh honey, you let me down, honey. I ain't playin' childhood games no more. I said it's time for me to even the score. So stake y...
Guns N' Roses
United States
Hard Rock, Rock, Rock 'n' Roll
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
Нямаш сърце [Niamash sartze] lyrics
От добрите момичета [Ot dobrite momicheta] lyrics
Обратно в играта [Obratno v igrata] [Greek translation]
Обичам те [Obicham te] [Macedonian translation]
Обещай ми [Obeshtay mi] lyrics
Обичам те [Obicham te] [Romanian translation]
El monstruo lyrics
Обратно в играта [Obratno v igrata] [Spanish translation]
Обичам те [Obicham te] [English translation]
Остави ми [Ostavi mi] lyrics
Popular Songs
Нямаш сърце [Niamash sartze] [Turkish translation]
Обичам те [Obicham te] [Turkish translation]
Обратно в играта [Obratno v igrata] [Croatian translation]
چلے تو کٹ ہی جائے گا [Chale To Kat Hi Jayega] lyrics
Help Me to Help Myself lyrics
Обичам те [Obicham te] [Serbian translation]
От добрите момичета [Ot dobrite momicheta] [English translation]
Minnet Eylemem lyrics
Нямам право [Nyamam pravo] [Turkish translation]
Нямаш сърце [Niamash sartze] [Greek translation]
Bomb the Bass
Otello Boccaccini
Seul Ong
Ian Brown
Marcos Velásquez
Teflon Sega
Jorge Lazaroff
Anne Mattila
The Four Lads
Μήπως [Mipos] lyrics
Μήπως [Mipos] [Russian translation]
Buscándote lyrics
Ballad lyrics
Barry Mann - Who Put the Bomp [in the Bomp, Bomp, Bomp]
어디에서 왔을까 [First] [eodieseo wass-eulkka] lyrics
Ты ищи меня во сне [Ty ishchi menya vo sne] lyrics
Anthem of Mikkelin Palloilijat lyrics
Η αγάπη σου πάει [I agápi sou páei] lyrics
Μόλις χώρισα [Molis Horisa] [English translation]