Alessia Cara Also Performed Pyrics
How Far I'll Go [Turkish translation]
I've been staring at the edge of the water Long as I can remember, never really knowing why I wish I could be the perfect daughter But I come back to ...
How Far I'll Go [Turkish translation]
I've been staring at the edge of the water Long as I can remember, never really knowing why I wish I could be the perfect daughter But I come back to ...
How Far I'll Go [Ukrainian translation]
I've been staring at the edge of the water Long as I can remember, never really knowing why I wish I could be the perfect daughter But I come back to ...
How Far I'll Go [Venetan translation]
I've been staring at the edge of the water Long as I can remember, never really knowing why I wish I could be the perfect daughter But I come back to ...
I'm Like a Bird lyrics
You're beautiful, that's for sure You'll never ever fade You're lovely but it's not for sure That I won't ever change And though my love is rare Thoug...
I'm Like a Bird [Belarusian translation]
Выдатны ты, гэта факт/так (Прыгожы ты, што сказаць), Такі застанешся... Прывабны, я ж не ўпэўнена, Што Я не... падману (Што ве́рнай буду я)... Люблю, ...
I'm Like a Bird [Bulgarian translation]
Ти си красив, това е ясно И винаги такъв ще си останеш Прекрасен си във всяко отношение Но не е ясно дали аз няма да се променя И въпреки че любовта м...
I'm Like a Bird [Catalan translation]
Ets bella, això és ben cert: (la teva llum) mai s'esvairà. Ets adorable, però no és pas segur que jo mai canviaré. I, malgrat que mon amor és especial...
I'm Like a Bird [French translation]
Tu es beau, c'est sûr Jamais tu ne disparaîtras Tu es adorable, mais ce n'est pas sûr Que je ne changerai jamais Et bien que mon amour soit rare Bien ...
I'm Like a Bird [German translation]
Du bist wunderschön, das ist sicher Du wirst nie und nimmer verblassen Du bist lieb, aber es ist nicht sicher, Dass ich mich nie verändern werde Und o...
I'm Like a Bird [Greek translation]
Είσαι όμορφος, αυτό είναι σίγουρο Ποτέ μα ποτέ δε θα σβήσεις Είσαι υπέροχος αλλά δεν είναι σίγουρο Ότι δε θα αλλάξω ποτέ Και αν και η αγάπη μου είναι ...
I'm Like a Bird [Italian translation]
Sei bello, è certo Non tramonterai mai Sei adorabie ma non è certo che non vorrò mai cambiare E il mio ampre è raro Il mio amore è vero (Chorus) Sono ...
I'm Like a Bird [Polish translation]
Jesteś piękny, to jest pewne Ty nigdy nie przekwitniesz Jesteś przepiękny, ale to nie jest całkiem pewne Czy ja nie zmienie się raz A chociaż moja mił...
I'm Like a Bird [Portuguese translation]
Você é lindo, isso é certo Você nunca irá desbotar Você é amável mas não é certo Que eu nunca mude Mesmo com meu amor sendo raro Mesmo com meu amor se...
I'm Like a Bird [Romanian translation]
Eşti frumos, asta e sigur Nu te vei stinge niciodată, Eşti minunat, dar nu e sigur Că eu nu mă voi schimba niciodată, Şi deşi iubirea mea e rară Şi de...
I'm Like a Bird [Russian translation]
Прекрасен ты, это факт/так (что сказать), И будешь влечь всегда… Чаруешь (Красавчик), но гарантий нет, Что верной буду я (Что я не… изменю/обману)... ...
I'm Like a Bird [Russian translation]
Ты красивый, это точно Ты никогда не поблекнешь Ты прекрасен, но я не уверенна Что я никогда не изменюсь И тем не менее моя любовь необычная Тем не ме...
I'm Like a Bird [Spanish translation]
Tú eres bella, eso es seguro Nunca desvanecerás eres hermosa, lo que no es seguro es si alguna vez cambiaré aunque mi amor es extraordinario aunque mi...
I'm Like a Bird [Tongan translation]
'Oku talavou koe, 'io 'oku mo'oni ia 'E 'ikai te ke maemae 'Oku faka'ofo'ofa koe ka 'oku 'ikai ke mo'oni ia Ko ia 'e 'ikai teu fetongi He kapau 'oku m...
I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas
I want a hippopotamus for Christmas Only a hippopotamus will do Don't want a doll, no dinky Tinkertoy I want a hippopotamus to play with and enjoy I w...
Alessia Cara
Alternative, Pop, R&B/Soul
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
Le chant du renne [Reindeer[s] Are Better Than People] lyrics
Debaixo Dos Caracóis Dos Seus Cabelos lyrics
Amami [English translation]
Ancient of Days lyrics
Ama Namin [English translation]
Frozen [OST] - Liebe öffnet Tür'n [Love Is an Open Door]
Amami [Filipino/Tagalog translation]
And Can It Be lyrics
And Can it be That I Should Gain lyrics
Minnet Eylemem lyrics
Popular Songs
And Can it be That I Should Gain [Spanish translation]
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Alleluja, Laudate Domininum In Sanctis Ejus [English translation]
Amazing Love [You Are My King] [French translation]
Ángeles volando. [Ukrainian translation]
Ancient of Days [Romanian translation]
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'O surdato 'nnammurato
El monstruo lyrics
Anglorum iam apostolus [Portuguese translation]
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