Electric Light Orchestra (ELO) Lyrics
All She Wanted lyrics
She was a good girl Been true to herself Never swayed by the notions of somebody else She'd had it rough, maybe most of the time With only one thing o...
Alright lyrics
The gold verandah in the dark has gone Down to the metal man. No better time to leave the ground And maybe try to understand. You gotta hold on to som...
Another Heart Breaks lyrics
[Instrumental] Another heart breaks Another heart breaks [Instrumental] Another heart breaks Another heart breaks One, two Three, four Five, six Seven...
Calling America lyrics
(Somebody) Told her that there was a place like heaven Across the water on a 747 Yeah, we're living in In a modern world And pretty soon she's really ...
Calling America [German translation]
(Jemand) Erzählte ihr, es gäbe da einen himmlischen Ort Auf der anderen Seite des Ozeans, erreichbar mit einer 7471 Ja, wir leben in Einer modernen We...
Calling America [Hungarian translation]
mondtak van ott egy mennyei hely legjobb az út egy 747-es repülővel hát ez egy gazdag világ az embernek kedve lesz fölkúszni az égen, alattuk az Óceán...
Calling America [Romanian translation]
(Cineva) i-a spus că e un loc precum paradisul peste apă într-un (Boeing) 747 Da, noi trăim într-o lume modernă Şi în curând a prins ideea zborului pe...
Can't Get it Out Of My Head lyrics
Midnight on the water. I saw the oceans daughter. Walking on a waves chicane, Staring as she called my name. And I can't get it out of my head, No, I ...
Can't Get it Out Of My Head [German translation]
Nacht liegt auf dem Wasser Ich seh' die Meerestochter Wie sie auf der Wellendrift spaziert Staunend als sie meinen Namen rief Und es geht mir nicht me...
Can't Get it Out Of My Head [Polish translation]
Północ na wodzie Zobaczyłem córkę oceanu Szła po szczytach fal Wpatrując się, wołała imię me I nie mogę wyrzucić tego z głowy Nie, nie mogę wyrzucić t...
Can't Get it Out Of My Head [Romanian translation]
La miezul nopţii pe ape am văzut fiica oceanului păşind pe şicana unui val privind-o când mă chema Şi nu pot s-o scot din gândul meu Nu, nu pot s-o sc...
Confusion lyrics
Everywhere the sun is shining. All around the world it's shining. But cold winds blow across your mind. Confusion -- it's such a terrible shame. Confu...
Confusion [German translation]
Überall scheint die Sonne Auf der ganzen Welt scheint sie Aber durch deinen Geist weht ein eiskalter Wind Verwirrung - es ist eine furchtbare Schande ...
Confusion [Polish translation]
Wszędzie wkoło słońce świeci, Jasno jest na całym świecie, Lecz przez głowę twą - zimne wiatry wieją. Zakłopotanie - to taki straszny wstyd. Zażenowan...
Confusion [Spanish translation]
En todas partes el sol esta brillando En todo el mundo esta brillando Pero un viento frío sopla en tu mente Confusión... es una vergüenza tan grande C...
Don't Bring Me Down lyrics
You got me runnin' goin' out of my mind, You got me thinkin' that I'm wastin' my time. [Chorus:] Don't bring me down, no, no, no, no, no I'll tell you...
Don't Bring Me Down [Croatian translation]
Zbog tebe silazim s uma Zbog tebe mislim da gubim vrijeme [Pripjev] Nemoj me rastuživati, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne Reći ću ti još jednom prije nego siđem s ...
Don't Bring Me Down [French translation]
Tu me fais courir, me fais perdre la tête Tu me donnes l'impression que je perds mon temps Ne me décourage1pas [non, x5] Je vais te le dire une fois d...
Don't Bring Me Down [Greek translation]
Με έκανες να τρέχω έξω φρενών , Με έκανες να σκέφτομαι ότι σπαταλάω το χρόνο μου. Μην με ρίξεις κάτω, [δεν χ5] Θα στο πω για μια ακόμη φορά πριν κατέβ...
Don't Bring Me Down [Romanian translation]
M-ai făcut să fug din mintea mea, M-ai făcut să mă gândesc că îmi pierd timpul. [Chorus:] Nu mă dezamăgi, nu, nu, nu, nu, nu Am să-ţi mai spun o dată ...
Electric Light Orchestra (ELO)
United Kingdom
English, French
Pop-Rock, Rock
Excellent Songs recommendation
Είδα τα μάτια σου κλαμένα [Ída ta mátia su klaména] lyrics
There's a tear in my beer lyrics
Leyla [Nazar] lyrics
Passing Strangers lyrics
Careless lyrics
The Rumor lyrics
Ciondolo d'oro lyrics
Dreamer [Vivo Sonhando] lyrics
Buenos días Argentina lyrics
Clocked Out! lyrics
Popular Songs
It Shouldn't Happen to a Dream lyrics
Is It Love lyrics
The Village Where I Went to School lyrics
Experience Unnecessary lyrics
Night Song lyrics
Περιφρόνα με γλυκιά μου [Perifrona me glikia mou] lyrics
Mara's Song lyrics
With All My Love And Kisses lyrics
Ούζο και χασίσι [Ouzo ke hasisi] lyrics
The Mamas and The Papas - Twelve Thirty [Young Girls Are Coming to the Canyon]
Ado Kojo
Flor Amargo
Solistiyhtye Suomi
Save Me 2 (OST)
Hello Gayoung
Om Kvelden lyrics
Co mi, Panie, dasz lyrics
What A Beautiful Name lyrics
Verbale lyrics
This Love lyrics
Chanson d'Angéla lyrics
Благослови, душе моя, Господa [Blagoslovi, dushe moya, Gospoda] lyrics
Canzone Antica [ Fenesta che lucive e mo' no luce ] lyrics
Hob XXI, 3 Die Jahreszeiten: IV Winter. 7. Rez.: "Abgesponnen ist der Flachs". lyrics
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