Alle Farben Also Performed Pyrics
Vincent lyrics
Vincent kriegt kein' hoch, wenn er an Mädchen denkt Er hat es oft versucht und sich echt angestrengt Alle seine Freunde spielen GTA Vincent taucht lie...
Vincent [Azerbaijani translation]
Vinsent qızlar barədə düşünəndə ehtiraslanmır O çox cəhd edib və ürəkdən çalışıb Bütün dostları GTA oynayanda Vinsent sevgi dünyasına dalır və Beyonsu...
Vincent [Catalan translation]
Vincent no puja als núvols, quan pensa en noies Ho ha intentat moltes vegades i ha treballat dur Tots els seus amics juguen a GTA Vincent prefereix bu...
Vincent [Chinese translation]
Vincent 對女生沒有心動的感覺 他努力嘗試 但徒勞無功 他所有的朋友都玩GTA 但他喜歡躲在一角 隨著Beyoncé起舞 他想起他和那一天 當他第一次見到他時 他是多麼利落 Vincent很清楚 這就是愛 媽媽 我不能再思考了 我想 我發燒了 我想 我不想這樣 媽媽 我要怎麼做了 我想 我要死...
Vincent [Croatian translation]
Vincent se ne zanosi, kad misli o djevojkama On je često pokušavao i stvarno se naprezao Svi njegovi prijatelji igraju GTA1 Vincent radije nestane i p...
Vincent [Czech translation]
Vincent nic necítí, když přemýšlí o dívkách, Často chodíval a usilovně se snažil skutečně o to, Aby všichni jeho přátelé hráli GTA, Vincent raději zmi...
Vincent [English translation]
Vincent doesn't get turned on by the thought of girls He has often given it a go and tried really hard All of his friend play GTA Vincent prefers to d...
Badaboum lyrics
Badaboum Badaboum Badaboum Badaboum (Badaboum) Hey ho, t'es tombé sur un salop (Patatras) Qui pas c'est surement celui de trop! (Badaboum) Hey ho, t'e...
Badaboum [Greek translation]
Badaboum Badaboum Badaboum Badaboum (Badaboum) Hey ho, Πέφτεις σε ένα κάθαρμα (Patatras) Είναι σίγουρο οτι είναι! (Badaboum) Xει χο, πέφτεις σε ένα κά...
Badaboum [Portuguese translation]
Badaboum Badaboum Badaboum Badaboum (Badaboum) Eh, oh, você caiu num filho da mãe (Patatras) Eh, ah, com certeza além da conta! (Badaboum) Eh, oh, voc...
H.O.L.Y. lyrics
When the sun had left and the winter came And the sky thought to only bring the rain I sat in darkness All broken hearted I couldn't find a day I didn...
H.O.L.Y. [Croatian translation]
Kad je sunce nestalo i zima stigla I nebo pomislilo da samo kisu donese Sjedio sam u mraku Slomljenog srca Nisam mogao naci dan u kojem se nisam osjec...
Home lyrics
I'm halfway gone, we fought long enough, long enough And we were holding ropes, but untied to love, untied to love sayin' If we had a moment we could ...
Home [German translation]
Ich bin halb weg, wir haben lange genug gekämpft, lange genug Und wir hielten Verbindungen, aber aufgeknöpft, um zu lieben aufgeknöpft um zu lieben, z...
Home [Hungarian translation]
Félúton vagyok, harcoltunk elég hosszan, elég hosszan És köteleket tartottunk, de nem kötöttük össze a szerelemmel Nem kötöttük össze a szerelemmel mo...
Home [Romanian translation]
Sunt pe jumatate plecat, ne-am luptat destul, destul, Sinetineam de sforile unei iubiri dezlegate, unei iubiri dezlegate ni s-a spus. Daca am avea un ...
Summer Jam
Get on the floor! Put your hands up! (x7) Get on the floor! Put your hands up! (x7) Get on the floor! (chorus) This ain't nothin' but a summer jam Bro...
Summer Jam [Croatian translation]
Hajde na podij! Ruke u zrak! (x7) Hajde na podij! Ruke u zrak! (x7) Na podij! [Pripjev] Ovo nije ništa drugo nego ljetni jam1 Brončana koža i maslinas...
Summer Jam [Greek translation]
Στην πίστα! Τα χέρια ψηλά! Στην πίστα! Τα χέρια ψηλά! Στην πίστα! Αυτό δεν είναι τίποτα άλλο από ένα καλοκαιρινό χιτ Μαυρισμένο δέρμα και κανελένια μα...
Summer Jam [Turkish translation]
Piste çıkın Eller yukarı kaldırın! (x7) Piste çıkın Eller yukarı kaldırın! (x7) Piste çıkın (Nakarat) Bu bir yaz şarkısından(hit şarkı) başka bir şey ...
Alle Farben
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Excellent Songs recommendation
Koyê Dêrsim zaf berzo lyrics
Dis à ton capitaine lyrics
愛を探して [Ai o sagashite] lyrics
I Walk Alone [Polish translation]
In For A Kill lyrics
Sir Duke lyrics
If You Believe [Romanian translation]
Скажи мне «Да» [Skazhi mne "da'] lyrics
I Walk Alone [Romanian translation]
Mes Mains lyrics
Popular Songs
I Walk Alone [Serbian translation]
Innocence [Portuguese translation]
I Walk Alone [Turkish translation]
Into the Sun lyrics
学校に行った日のこと [Gakkou ni Itta Hi no Koto] lyrics
If You Believe [French translation]
I Walk Alone [Occitan translation]
La oveja negra lyrics
Восковая кукла [Voskovaya kukla] lyrics
光よ [hikari yo] lyrics
Giorgos Mpatis
Kaiti Belinda
Adekunle Gold
Efraim Shamir
Angel Canales
Avtomaticheskiye udovletvoriteli
Behind closed doors lyrics
Rita Hayworth lyrics
يا سيد السلام [Ya Sayed Es-Salam] lyrics
Ο τρελός [O trelos] lyrics
Every Day Is A New Day lyrics
Somebody's Crying lyrics
Thinkin' Bout You lyrics
Crazy He Calls Me lyrics
Et mon cœur en prend plein la gueule lyrics
Ljepotica i Zvijer [Beauty and the Beast] lyrics