Genetikk Lyrics
Solang ich Träume hab lyrics
[1. Verse: Karuzo] Ich häng rum und warte darauf, dass mein Leben sich ändert Und jeder Tag im Kalender scheint mir so sinnlos verschwendet Immer dies...
Solang ich Träume hab [English translation]
[1. Verse: Karuzo] I hang around and wait for my life to change And every day in the calendar seems to be wasted so pointlessly Always the same four w...
Sorry lyrics
(Part 1) Manchmal will ich weglaufen, wohin? Was weiß ich denn? Was wollt ihr von mir hören, meine Story, meine Geschichte? Fickt euch! Mein Leben geh...
Sorry [English translation]
(Part 1) Manchmal will ich weglaufen, wohin? Was weiß ich denn? Was wollt ihr von mir hören, meine Story, meine Geschichte? Fickt euch! Mein Leben geh...
Spezies lyrics
[Verse 1: Karuzo] Weißt du was? Meine Geburt war nich' g'rade normal Ich fiel vom Himmel meiner Mama in den Arm, schon Meine Zeugung war ein kosmische...
Spezies [English translation]
[Verse 1: Karuzo] You know what? My birth wasn't exactly normal I fell from the sky in the arm of my mom, already My conception was a cosmic plan The ...
Supa Dope Brothers lyrics
[1. Verse: Karuzo] Voodoozirkus, welcome to the Freakshow Keiner hat jemals zuvor gesehen was du jetzt siehst Bro Dynamit, Speed, Coke, alles Schnee v...
Supa Dope Brothers [English translation]
[1. Verse: Karuzo] Voodoozirkus, welcome to the freak show No one has ever seen before what you are about to see bro Dynamite, speed, coke, all yester...
Tote Präsidenten lyrics
[Part 1] Kappa, Kappa, Kappa, Kappa, OG Bin nicht blond, aber sie nennen mich Goldie Italo Bambino, ich mach Soldi Mein Geld hat die gleiche Farbe so ...
Tote Präsidenten [English translation]
[Part 1] Kappa, Kappa, Kappa, Kappa, OG I ain't blonde, but they call me goldie Italian Kid, i make money, My Money has the same color as codeine-purp...
Tote Präsidenten [Turkish translation]
[Part 1] Kappa, Kappa, Kappa, Kappa, OG (Original Gangster) Sarışın olmasamda bana Goldie diye hitap ediyorlar* İtalyalı genç Soldi kazanıyor (yapıyor...
Trill lyrics
Yeah, ah Mannequins und Cannabis, Kappa ist auf Druggy Shit Mach' mit meiner Tumblr-Bitch am Wochenende Paname-Trips Kiss Kiss Bang ist der Slang, wen...
Trill [English translation]
Yeah, ah Mannequins and Cannabis, Kappa is on Druggy Shit Have with my Tumblr-Bitch On weekend Paname-Trips Kiss kiss bang is the slang, When you jam ...
Trill [English translation]
Yeah, ah Mannequins and Cannabis, Kappa is on Druggy Shit Have with my Tumblr-Bitch On weekend Paname- Trips Kiss kiss bang is the slang When you jam ...
Über alles lyrics
[Verse 1: Karuzo] Wer macht Rap so wie wir? Wer ist real wenn er lügt? Hat trotz Fame noch Liebe und Respekt von der Street? Wer ist schlau wie ein Ra...
Über alles [English translation]
[Verse 1: Karuzo] Who does rap like us? Who is real when he lies? Has despite fame still love and respect from the street? Who is smart like a raven, ...
Wahyo lyrics
[Verse 1: Karuzo] Diggah, check mal, die zwei Barretas Mein Flow nicht messbar, ich kill euch wie die Snack Bar, puff puff, pass mal Unter Strom wie T...
Wahyo [English translation]
[Verse 1: Karuzo] Dude, get this, the two barretas My flow isn't measurable, I kill you like the snack bar, puff puff, pass it over Charged up like Te...
Wer bist du? lyrics
[Part 1: Karuzo] Ich hab schon Stress gemacht, bevor ich auf der Welt war Vierzig Stunden Wehen, - so kündigt sich ein Rebell an Mama war hart, man ga...
Wer bist du? [English translation]
[Part 1: Karuzo] I already made stress, before I was on the world Fourty hours of labor, - that's how a rebel announces himself Mom was tough, they ga...
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
К *** [Я помню чудное мгновенье...] [K *** [Ya pomnyu chudnoe mgnoven'e...]] [Arabic translation]
К *** [Я помню чудное мгновенье...] [K *** [Ya pomnyu chudnoe mgnoven'e...]] [English translation]
Cancioneiro lyrics
Os índios da Meia-Praia lyrics
Egoísta lyrics
Tu o non tu lyrics
К *** [Я помню чудное мгновенье...] [K *** [Ya pomnyu chudnoe mgnoven'e...]] [Romanian translation]
К *** [Я помню чудное мгновенье...] [K *** [Ya pomnyu chudnoe mgnoven'e...]] [Polish translation]
Hora de fechar lyrics
Things Are Looking Up lyrics
Popular Songs
Capriccio lyrics
К *** [Я помню чудное мгновенье...] [K *** [Ya pomnyu chudnoe mgnoven'e...]] [English translation]
Let's Do It [Let's Fall in Love] lyrics
A Sul da América lyrics
История стихотворца [Istoriya stikhotvortsa] [English translation]
Fado da sina lyrics
К *** [Я помню чудное мгновенье...] [K *** [Ya pomnyu chudnoe mgnoven'e...]] [English translation]
К *** [Я помню чудное мгновенье...] [K *** [Ya pomnyu chudnoe mgnoven'e...]] [Serbian translation]
الصبا والجمال lyrics
The Way It Used to Be lyrics
Run The Jewels
Jaime Roos
Costi Snellman
Janelle Monáe
Tuna (Israel)
Csík Zenekar
RISE lyrics
Come Back to Camden [Serbian translation]
Come Back to Camden lyrics
Side by Side lyrics
Christian Dior [German translation]
Earth Is the Loneliest Planet [Serbian translation]
Luna llena lyrics
Ausência lyrics
California Blue lyrics
Un poco di pioggia lyrics