Lee Greenwood Lyrics
God Bless the U.S.A.
If tomorrow all the things were gone I'd worked for all my life And I had to start again with just my children and my wife I'd thank my lucky stars to...
God Bless the U.S.A. [German translation]
Wenn morgen all das hinüber wäre, für was ich mein ganzes Leben lang gearbeitet habe und ich nochmal ganz von vorn anfangen müsste, nur mit meinen Kin...
God Bless the U.S.A. [Italian translation]
Se domani fossero sparite tutte le cose per cui ho lavorato tutta la mia vita E dovessi iniziare di nuovo con solo i miei bambini e mia moglie Ringraz...
I.O.U. lyrics
You believe, that l've changed your life forever And you're never gonna find another somebody like me And you wish, you had more than just a lifetime ...
I.O.U. [Hebrew translation]
את מאמינה, ששיניתי את חייך לעד ואת אף פעם לא תמצאי מישהו כמוני ומשאלתך היה לתת יותר משנות חייך כדי להחזיר את הכל ושנתתי לך למה שאת מאמינה אבל אני חייב...
The Pledge Of Allegiance lyrics
I Pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the Untied States of America And to the republic, for which it stands, one nation under God Indivisible, with lib...
Lee Greenwood
United States
Excellent Songs recommendation
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Μόνο Εξ Επαφής [Mono Ex Epafis] [Hungarian translation]
Μόνο Αν Θες Εμένα [Mono An Thes Emena] lyrics
Μόνο Αν Θες Εμένα [Mono An Thes Emena] [Turkish translation]
He venido a pedirte perdón lyrics
Μοιρασιά [Mirasia] [Transliteration]
Μια Φορά Κι Έναν Καιρό [Mia Fora Ki Enan Kairo] [English translation]
Μην Ανησυχείς [Min Anisihis] [Serbian translation]
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Μόνο Αν Θες Εμένα [Mono An Thes Emena] [English translation]
Μόνο Αν Θες Εμένα [Mono An Thes Emena] [Russian translation]
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