Tarja Turunen Lyrics
Dark Star [Romanian translation]
Burning out in the distance you're falling Starting to fade Light is condemned to be tied down by gravity Close to the end Do you still remember? Befo...
Dark Star [Serbian translation]
Burning out in the distance you're falling Starting to fade Light is condemned to be tied down by gravity Close to the end Do you still remember? Befo...
Dark Star [Spanish translation]
Burning out in the distance you're falling Starting to fade Light is condemned to be tied down by gravity Close to the end Do you still remember? Befo...
Darkness lyrics
I'm scared of swimming in the sea Dark shapes moving under me Every fear I swallow makes me small Inconsequential things occur Alarms are triggered Me...
Darkness [French translation]
J'ai peur de nager dans la mer Des ombres sombres bougent au-dessous de moi Chaque peur que j'avale me rend petite Des choses sans conséquence se prod...
Dead Promises lyrics
Why have you wasted the time drown in hideous nights? Oh, why have you woken the thoughts of a paranoid mind? I've seen the walls collapsing, Breaking...
Dead Promises [Finnish translation]
Why have you wasted the time drown in hideous nights? Oh, why have you woken the thoughts of a paranoid mind? I've seen the walls collapsing, Breaking...
Dead Promises [French translation]
Why have you wasted the time drown in hideous nights? Oh, why have you woken the thoughts of a paranoid mind? I've seen the walls collapsing, Breaking...
Dead Promises [German translation]
Why have you wasted the time drown in hideous nights? Oh, why have you woken the thoughts of a paranoid mind? I've seen the walls collapsing, Breaking...
Dead Promises [Greek translation]
Why have you wasted the time drown in hideous nights? Oh, why have you woken the thoughts of a paranoid mind? I've seen the walls collapsing, Breaking...
Dead Promises [Portuguese translation]
Why have you wasted the time drown in hideous nights? Oh, why have you woken the thoughts of a paranoid mind? I've seen the walls collapsing, Breaking...
Dead Promises [Serbian translation]
Why have you wasted the time drown in hideous nights? Oh, why have you woken the thoughts of a paranoid mind? I've seen the walls collapsing, Breaking...
Dead Promises [Spanish translation]
Why have you wasted the time drown in hideous nights? Oh, why have you woken the thoughts of a paranoid mind? I've seen the walls collapsing, Breaking...
Deliverance lyrics
Dreams go on forever with only one life You cannot relieve What you gave me never Fear of being hurtful Feelings left unspoken I'm breaking myself out...
Deliverance [Czech translation]
Sny pokračují navěky Jen s jedním životem Nemůžeš si odpočinout Co jsi mi nikdy nedal Bojím se, že ublížím City, o kterých se nemluvilo Zraňuji se Slz...
Deliverance [French translation]
Les rêves toujours survivent Avec une unique vie Tu ne peux soulager Ce que jamais tu ne m'as offert La crainte d'être blessante Les sentiments inexpr...
Deliverance [German translation]
Träume gehen ewig weiter. Mir nur einem Leben Kannst du nicht erfüllen Was alles Du mir nie gabst. Aus Furcht, verletzend zu sein, Blieben Gefühle una...
Deliverance [Italian translation]
I sogni continuano per sempre Con solo una vita Non puoi alleviare Quello che non mi hai mai dato Paura di essere sgarbato Sentimenti che sono rimasti...
Deliverance [Portuguese translation]
Sonhos continuam para sempre Com apenas uma vida Você não pode reviver O que você me deu nunca Receio de ser doloroso Sentimentos não ditos Estou me r...
Deliverance [Spanish translation]
Los sueños van para siempre Con solo una vida No puedes aliviar Lo que nunca me diste Miedo de ser dañino Sentimientos no hablados Me estoy echando A ...
Tarja Turunen
English, Finnish, Spanish, Latin+2 more, German, Italian
Classical, Metal, Opera, Pop-Rock, Religious, Rock
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
Forever Young [Transliteration]
Fish [Turkish translation]
Fish [Russian translation]
Girls Girls Girls [Azerbaijani translation]
Girls Girls Girls [English translation]
Fly [Greek translation]
Girls Girls Girls [Turkish translation]
Fly [Bulgarian translation]
Gravity [Russian translation]
Fly [Azerbaijani translation]
Popular Songs
Gravity [English translation]
Good lyrics
Good Tonight lyrics
Fly [Russian translation]
Girls Girls Girls [Transliteration]
Too Young lyrics
Forever Young [Transliteration]
Forever Young [Russian translation]
Forever Young [English translation]
Go Higher [Transliteration]
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Jesús Navarro
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Field of View
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Helen Carter
Entgegen dem kühlenden Morgen lyrics
Ballad Of Carol Lynn lyrics
Киса-Лариса [Kisa-Larisa] lyrics
What If We're Wrong lyrics
I’ve Found A New Baby lyrics
הרס על הכביש [A Place Called Slaughter Race] [Heres Al Hakvish] lyrics
Tightrope lyrics
Farfalledda lyrics
Интернационалата [Internacionalata] lyrics
რაჭული [rach’uli]