הנגאובר [Hangover] [English translation]
2025-03-28 04:57:52
הנגאובר [Hangover] [English translation]
I talk to myself
Because there is no one who understands me.
Loneliness is like the sea
And everything becomes excessive.
I so wanted to hug [you].
For nothing I go a couple of years
Back and forth aimlessly
And you are silent.
And it is so hard in the morning:
Loneliness and hangover.
My head is like satellite TV, full of movies.
Who am I here without you? -
I’m like a shadow behind you
And you don’t see me anymore,
You don’t see me.
And how we can learn to love again,
Not paying the price.
I pine for you and this is blinds me,
Do you love me still?
I wanted to talk so much,
I have wrote so much - [all] that is not true.
Fragments are [of] the truth, cracks are of nothing.
- Artist:Sapir Saban