Carson coma blues [English translation]

Songs   2025-02-15 10:08:38

Carson coma blues [English translation]

We are walking on cobblestones

We either traipse around or gather together

We'll be like this in the May of 2060

One shot in the Apród1and a beer in the Pótkulcs2

There, we'll reminisce about the old times

Like how on our first farewell concert

The bass guitar was grunting like a pig

And how in the boogie-woogie club

The decrepit rock star appeared again

I couldn't deny it

It's been a long time since I was twenty

Now I'm gonna do this Carson Coma Blues3for as long as I live, oh yeah

This is the Carson Coma Blues, this is the Carson Coma Blues, oh yeah

Now I'm gonna do this Carson Coma Blues for as long as I live, oh yeah

I couldn't deny it, it's been a long time since I was twenty

Now I'm gonna do this Carson Coma Blues for as long as I live, oh yeah

Lala lala lala lala4

La lala la lala

Lala lala lala lala

La lala la lala

Lala lala lala lala

La lala la lala

When it's past midnight

We say goodbye to each other with teary eyes at the Nyugati5

But now, instead of six young lads

Six old men are limping unsteadily

Our bodies are older than sixty

But our hearts are still twenty

We're going to do this Carson Coma Blues for as long as we live, oh yeah

This is the Carson Coma Blues, this is the Carson Coma Blues, oh yeah

Now I'm gonna do this Carson Coma Blues for as long as I live, oh yeah

I couldn't deny it, it's been a long time since I was twenty

Now I'm gonna do this Carson Coma Blues for as long as I live, oh yeah

Carson Coma Blues

Oh yeah

1. "Pageboy", probably a pub.2. "Spare key", probably a pub.3. This could be a reference to "Kőbánya Blues" from the Hobo Blues Band, a Hungarian blues-rock band, that formed in 1978.4. Here, they are humming a song that students often sing during the ceremony that's held at the end of the final year of their studies.

It's called "Jut még eszedbe" ("You'll will reminisce about"). "Western" (railway station). One of the three main railway terminals in Budapest, Hungary.

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  • country:Hungary
  • Languages:Hungarian, English, Italian
  • Genre:Pop
  • Official site:
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