The voice of Maria
2025-03-09 20:51:30
The voice of Maria
Sa luna istanotte
In chelos d’anneu
Sa malafortuna
Est contras a Deus
The oak in its glory
A power that all fear
Will whisper so purely
That day when we hear
Sa ‘oghe ‘e Maria
So soft, sweet, how near
Su nìnnidu lentu
Away casting sadness
Olvidat s’anneu
Ave Mara
Abounding with mercy
To lead through the storm
Sa vida nos colat
Che raju in s’istìu
And free from temptation
The path, sure, we’ll find
Su sole che juchet
In chelu totue.
The voice of Maria
Est una ninnia
That brings us forgiveness
Ammajos d’ammentu
Rejoice, sing out clear
Ave Maria
The voice of Maria / Sa ‘oghe ‘e Maria
So soft, sweet, how near
That brings us forgiveness / Su nìnnidu lentu
Away casting sadness / Ammajos d’ammentu
Rejoice, sing out clear
Ave Maria
- Artist:Piero Marras