Arbeit ist out [English translation]

Songs   2025-03-27 22:15:50

Arbeit ist out [English translation]

My eyes open up at eleven, early at noon

I send a "Good morning" to the world via Twitter,

Yawn in front of the mirror, put my hand in front of my mouth,

Say "Good morning, beloved Worry",

But I don't get any answer

Toothpaste with fruit flavour

My mom already prepared breakfast, I sit at the table

I quickly check my missed calls

And enjoy my mom's pancakes

'Cause mom is the best, I check my SMS

Nice new messages from my ex on 'WhatsApp'

Haters gonna hate, but who cares about that?

I deinstalled the alarm clock on my iPhone, yeah

I gurgle Listerine after my meal

Life is a bitch, but the bitch is in love with me

'Cause by the time I smoke my first fag,

Most people are already having lunch break

I say "Ah, yeah", good that you ask

Things go wonderfully for me, I do whatever I want

Free time is in, working is out

My stomach is full, and so is my piggy bank

I say "Ah, yeah", good that you ask

Things go wonderfully for me, I do whatever I want

Free time is in, working is out

My stomach is full, and so is my piggy bank

Ah, I fill up the bathtub,

Wonder whether I should do my hair up today

German rappers are busy collecting rainwater,

But Shindy eats some Häagen-Dazs with almonds in it

My iPhone is ringing, but I'm shopping at the moment, bitch

Ask me anything, except what day of the week this is

Many people have to work, pinstriped suit

There's only one appointment on my calendar,

And it goes "Hairdresser"

I drink a cappuccino with a friend every day,

Light up a fag and dial Bushido's number,

Explain him that I'm writing texts as I speak

And that my head is smoking,

And I hope he believes that junk

Bitches are busy texting, sending SMSs, they annoy me

Mom lets it ring shortly when my meal is ready

And then I slowly grow tired again,

I find the way back to my bed

And watch a whole series of 'Breaking Bad' on TV, ah

I say "Ah, yeah", good that you ask

Things go wonderfully for me, I do whatever I want

Free time is in, working is out

My stomach is full, and so is my piggy bank

I say "Ah, yeah", good that you ask

Things go wonderfully for me, I do whatever I want

Free time is in, working is out

My stomach is full, and so is my piggy bank

I say "Ah, yeah", good that you ask

Things go wonderfully for me, I do whatever I want

Free time is in, working is out

My stomach is full, and so is my piggy bank


I say "Ah, yeah", good that you ask

Things go wonderfully for me, I do whatever I want

Free time is in, working is out

My stomach is full, and so is my piggy bank

I say "Ah, yeah", good that you ask

Things go wonderfully for me, I do whatever I want

Free time is in, working is out

My stomach is full, and so is my piggy bank

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  • country:Germany
  • Languages:German, English
  • Genre:Hip-Hop/Rap
  • Official site:
  • Wiki:
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