Две очи разплакани [Dve ochi razplakani] [English translation]
2025-03-05 05:13:02
Две очи разплакани [Dve ochi razplakani] [English translation]
My tears won't touch you,
Your heart doesn't know what pain is.
My tears won't touch you,
Your heart doesn't know what pain is.
Two weeping eyes,
Two hot tears,
Could they melt
A frozen heart?
You don't know how it hurts me,
How much pain you caused to me.
You don't know how it hurts me,
How much pain you caused to me.
Only if I could melting the ice,
I would forgive all your mistakes.
Only if I could melting the ice,
I would forgive all your mistakes
- Artist:Rumyana