Дядя Вася [Dyadya Vasya] [English translation]
2025-03-24 00:39:43
Дядя Вася [Dyadya Vasya] [English translation]
In the world lieves uncle Wasya
All people knew about him
Before he coud drink everyеthing (alkohol)
polish, parfume.
Wasya was maried.
But wife left Waya and found another mann
She took all things: case for dresses,cover, coat.
She left only glass!
Wasya, Wasya!
Wasya is crying!
Wasya, Wasya
dosnt drink alkohol!
It is his revenge
He drinks only juice.
And glass he uses like vase for roses!
And all people found out
Wasya is real master
He can repair tv, make keys, repair shoes!
And Wasya got money
Wasya, Wasya!
Wasya is crying!
Wasya, Wasya
dosnt drink alkohol!
He bought new car!
Wasyas ex-wife was so upset
She bagan to drink alkohol with her new husband
- Artist:Lyube