El Cristo de Palacagüina [English translation]

Songs   2025-03-27 11:47:22

El Cristo de Palacagüina [English translation]

On the hill of la Iguana,

Into the mountain of las Segovias,

A strange glow was seen

Like a midnight aurora,

The cornfields lightened up,

The fireflies trembled,

Light rained on Moyogalpa, on Telpaneca,

on Chichigalga.


Christ has born in Palacagüina,

From Chepe1 Pavón Pavón

and some Mary

She will iron very humbly

The clothes that the landowner's

beautiful wife enjoys.

The people to look at him,

gathered in a commotion,

The native Joaquín brought him,

Nagarote's braid shaped quesillo2

Instead of gold, frankincense and myrrh,

They gifted him, as they say,

Diriomo's cajeta3 and even

Guadalupe buñuelos4.


Joe, poor day laborer,

works his ass off all day long,

It has him with rheumatism,

the burden of the carpentry,

Mary dreams that his son,

will be carpenter like his dad

But the boy thinks,

I want to be guerrillero tomorrow.


1. A nickname for Joe2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quesillo3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cajeta4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bu%C3%B1uelo

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  • country:Nicaragua
  • Languages:Spanish
  • Genre:Folk
  • Official site:https://www.facebook.com/CarlosMejiaGodoyNic/
  • Wiki:https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlos_Mej%C3%ADa_Godoy
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