Mit Tränen in den Augen ist man blind [Hey] [English translation]

Songs   2025-03-09 17:38:32

Mit Tränen in den Augen ist man blind [Hey] [English translation]

Look, the sun still shines on you, 1

the flowers still bloom at the door

and the sky is blue.

Listen, the children play in the yard,

in the open windows the radios play,

‘cause the world is not gray.

Look, the old lady, that no one talks to,

even today she didn’t forget her doves,

she stops there, in the park.

Look, life still goes on as it did before 2

and for you it also looks futile and empty,

but it’s still beautiful.

But with tears in your eyes you are blind,

you don’t see the world as it is

and you only feel totally alone... 3

But with tears in your eyes you are blind,

therefore give me your hand, like a child,

and let me be with you.

Look, what was, it made you happy and rich,

you have danced, you have laughed with him,

and now it’s all over.

But what was still lives in your memory,

so take your gift and don’t ask why,

you are young, you are free.

But with tears in your eyes you are blind,

you don’t see the world as it is

and you just feel totally alone...

But with tears in your eyes you are blind,

therefore give me your hand, like a child,

and let me be with you.

Look, the stars still keep on shining at night

and everything that makes you sad today

is a dream, that will end.

Look, I want to help you, to stand by you,

you shouldn’t see the world so gloomy anymore,

because I am with you.

But with tears in your eyes you are blind,

you don’t see the world as it is

and you only feel totally alone...

But with tears in your eyes you are blind,

therefore give me your hand, like a child,

and let me be with you.

1. Literally: “the sun is still above you”.2. Literally: “the world still spins as before”.3. Literally: “and one feels just so totally alone”.

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  • country:Spain
  • Languages:Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French+8 more, English, German, Tagalog (dialects), Indonesian, Chinese, Korean, Romanian, Galician
  • Genre:Latino, Pop
  • Official site:
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