Neon Meate Dream of a Octafish lyrics

Songs   2025-02-18 10:37:36

Neon Meate Dream of a Octafish lyrics

Lucid tentacles test ‘n sleeved

‘n joined ‘n jointed jade pointed

Diamond back patterns

Neon meate dream of a octafish

Artifact on rose petals

‘n flesh petals ‘n pots

Fack ‘n feast ‘n tubes tubs bulbs

In jest incest injest injust in feast incest

‘n specks ‘n spreckled spreckled

Speckled speculation

Fedlocks waddlin’ feast

Archaic faces frenzy

Ceramic fists artificial deceased

‘n cists rancid buds burst

Dank drum ‘n dung dust

Meate rose ‘n hairs

Meaty meate rose ‘n hairs

Meaty dream wet meate

Limp damp rows

Peeled ‘n felt fields ‘n belts

Impaled on ‘n daeman

Mucus mules

Twat trot tra la tra la

Tra la tra la tra la

Whale bone fields ‘n belts

Whale bone farmhouse

Cavorts girdled ‘n latters uh lite

Cavorts girdled ‘n latters uh lite

Uh dipped amidst

Squirmin’ serum ‘n semen ‘n syrup ‘n semen

‘n serum

Stirrupped in syrup

Neon meate dream of a octafish

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  • country:United States
  • Languages:English
  • Genre:Blues, Jazz, Poetry, Rock
  • Official site:
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