Physarum polycephalum lyrics
2025-03-02 16:53:15
Physarum polycephalum lyrics
Physarum fanning out
Its parts rejoining anon
Its transformation ease
Pulsing bits generating
Cytoplasmic genesis had
Dynamic and organized
Strength in pulsing tracts
Seeking food sources near
Like the roots of a tree
Spreading, joining, expanding
Its trails never revisited
Repelled by itself, traces
Its bioelectric motivation
In polar fields of differentiation
No brain is seen, all the same
Nuclei that alone reproduce
There, rest remains repetitious
So cells may have several yet
Their linked autonomy uniform
In an organism, any one still
For slime mold math says
One plus one still is one
What is autonomous is compelling
What is intellect is beguiling
- Artist:Ww Ww