Pieśń małej Marii [English translation]
Pieśń małej Marii [English translation]
My mother, my mother
You will leave me alone?
How will I, how will I?
Cope with my misery?
Mother of Maria:
*My Marysia, My Marysia,
I will not leave you alone.
I give you a doll, a little rag doll
I put you under its protection.
In this little doll,
A small rag doll
The power of old gods
In this little doll,
A small doll
The power of old worlds
Power of old gods,
Power of forgone worlds.
Ancient power
It will protect you!
The power of my love,
They will be with you,
I'm protecting you!
My mother, my mother
I loved so you very much.
How will a doll, a small rag doll
Save me from evil fate?
Mother of Maria:
My Marysia, My Marysia,
Ancient forces will protect you
In concern, in need cuddle the doll,
Say my name, call me!
In this little doll,
A small rag doll
The power of old gods
In this little doll,
A small doll
The power of old worlds
Power of old gods,
Power of forgone worlds.
Ancient power
It will protect you!
The power of my love,
They will be with you,
I'm protecting you!
Mother of Maria:
Marysia, my, Marysia, my
I will not leave you alone.
I give you a doll, a little rag doll
I put you under its protection.
My Marysia, My Marysia,
Ancient forces will protect you
In concern, in need cuddle the doll,
Say my name, call me!
- Artist:Percival Schuttenbach
- Album:Dzikie Pola